Ashley Greene credited as playing...
Alice Cullen
- [Alice and Jasper come in through the window]
- Alice Cullen: Hi Bella! I'm Alice.
- [Alice walks up to Bella and hugs her]
- Alice Cullen: Oh, you do smell good.
- Edward Cullen: Alice, what are you - ?
- Alice Cullen: It's okay. Bella and I are going to be great friends.
- Dr. Carlisle Cullen: Sorry, Jasper's our newest vegetarian. It's still a little difficult for him.
- Jasper Hale: Pleasure to meet you.
- Alice Cullen: It's okay Jasper, you won't hurt her.
- Edward Cullen: [to Bella] All right, I'm going to take you on a tour of the rest of the house.
- Alice Cullen: Well, I'll see you soon.
- Isabella Swan: Okay.
- Esme Cullen: [gushing] So CUTE!
- Dr. Carlisle Cullen: I think that went well.
- Esme Cullen: [to Rosalie] Clean this up. Now!
- Jasper Hale: What is it? What do you see?
- Alice Cullen: The tracker. He just changed course.
- Jasper Hale: Where will it take him, Alice?
- [Grabs Alice a pen and paper]
- Alice Cullen: Mirrors. A room full of mirrors.
- [starts to sketch never looking down at the paper]
- Isabella Swan: Edward said the visions weren't always certain...
- Jasper Hale: She sees the course people are on while they're on it. If they change their minds, the vision changes.
- Dr. Carlisle Cullen: You've got to make a choice, Edward, to prevent the change from happening.
- Edward Cullen: no... NO!
- Alice Cullen: It's gonna happen, Edward. I've seen it.
- Dr. Carlisle Cullen: It doesn't have to be that way. She still has what she has.
- Dr. Carlisle Cullen: [to Alice, about Bella's broken leg] Give me a hand... take your belt off.
- [Alice takes her belt off]
- Edward Cullen: Carlisle, what's my other options?
- Dr. Carlisle Cullen: [to Alice] tie it above my hand
- [Alice ties it above his hand]
- Edward Cullen: CARLISLE!
- Dr. Carlisle Cullen: [to Alice] go Alice, go!
- Dr. Carlisle Cullen: [to Edward] Try suck the venom out.
- Edward Cullen: you know i won't be able to stop!
- Dr. Carlisle Cullen: Then find the will... or choose. She only has minutes left.
- Edward Cullen: [to Bella] I'll make it go away, Bella. I'll make it go away.