Eva Green credited as playing...
Angelique Bouchard
- Angelique Bouchard: I'm going to make an offer to you, Barnabas. My last. You can join me by my side and we can run Collinsport together as partners, and lovers... or I'll put you back in the box.
- Barnabas Collins: I have already prepared my counter-proposal. It reads thusly: You may strategically place your wonderful lips upon my posterior and kiss it repeatedly!
- Angelique Bouchard: [wanting Barnabas to love her] What if I made you?
- Barnabas Collins: With what, a spell? A little doll with pins? That is not love!
- Angelique Bouchard: With THIS!
- [starts to strip]
- Barnabas Collins: Oh.
- Angelique Bouchard: With the body you once begged me for!
- Barnabas Collins: I must admit, those have not aged a day...
- [fighting]
- Angelique Bouchard: I worshipped you!
- Barnabas Collins: You plagued me!
- Angelique Bouchard: I adore you!
- Barnabas Collins: I despise you!
- Elizabeth Collins Stoddard: What did you do to my daughter?
- Angelique Bouchard: The family tree needed a little spicing up, so I sent a werewolf to bite her as a child.
- [sees David]
- Angelique Bouchard: Just as I sent David's mother to the bottom of the ocean, rendering him a motherless whelp!
- [turns to Barnabas]
- Angelique Bouchard: And as for you... I killed your parents, and every one of your lovers. They kept us apart.
- David Collins: That's enough. Leave us alone.
- Angelique Bouchard: I think I'll start by killing you, orphan!
- [advances on David]
- Elizabeth Collins Stoddard: David, run!
- Barnabas Collins: [to Angelique] Your quarrel is with me!
- Angelique Bouchard: My quarrel is with ALL of you!
- Barnabas Collins: [to a mortally wounded Angelique] So, this is how it ends. There was a time, when I could have loved you. We could have spent eternity together.
- Angelique Bouchard: We still... can...
- Barnabas Collins: You never loved me. You wanted to control me.
- Angelique Bouchard: I'm willing to start over, Barnabas! I'm willing to call a truce if you'll just... take me!
- Barnabas Collins: I am not what I once was.
- Angelique Bouchard: I can change that.
- Barnabas Collins: And if I refuse?
- Angelique Bouchard: I'll take everything you love, starting with that little creature you've been eying so fondly! The one who looks like JOSETTE!
- [throws herself on a couch and opens her legs]
- Barnabas Collins: Well then, I suppose, strictly in the name of her honour, I must now defile your most intimate and womanly segments.
- Angelique Bouchard: Sleeping flame, I summon thee / To your form return / Make the night as bright as day / And burn, baby, burn!
- Barnabas Collins: Do you have any idea what you put me through?
- Angelique Bouchard: Get over it, Barnabas!
- Barnabas Collins: Locked in a box, for over two hundred years!
- Angelique Bouchard: Don't exaggerate, it was only a hundred and ninety-six.
- Angelique Bouchard: Say you love me! Say it!
- Barnabas Collins: I am sorry, Angelique. But to do so would be a lie.
- Barnabas Collins: What is it that you want, Angelique?
- Angelique Bouchard: Your love! Yo DO still love me, don't you, somewhere deep inside that cold but beating heart?
- Barnabas Collins: My dear, even Aphrodite herself could not construct a more odious union!
- Angelique Bouchard: [looks around Collinwood] Whoa, you've really let this place go to hell... right where it belongs.
- Barnabas Collins: [to the police] I am prepared to go with you quietly, providing that no other members of my family come to harm. And that Miss Bouchard accompanies me.
- [grabs Angelique]
- Barnabas Collins: After all, are not the two of us kindred?
- Angelique Bouchard: Go ahead, slaughter me! Show them what you are!
- Barnabas Collins: No, I shall show them what WE are!
- [after having sex]
- Barnabas Collins: That was a regrettable turn of events.
- Angelique Bouchard: You didn't seem to regret it.
- Barnabas Collins: Yes. It seems that even in death, I have a weakness for the living flesh... especially yours.
- Angelique Bouchard: What a cold way to describe something so hot.
- Barnabas Collins: Perhaps. But I cannot succumb to your charms ever again. Please, forgive me.
- Elizabeth Collins Stoddard: Angelique! Get out of my house!
- [fires at Angelique with a shotgun]
- Angelique Bouchard: Your house?
- Barnabas Collins: How dare you invade this home with your noxious...
- Angelique Bouchard: [kisses him] It really is you!
- Barnabas Collins: I was not aware you were so threatened by my business acumen.
- Angelique Bouchard: Hypnotizing fishermen isn't acumen!
- Angelique Bouchard: So, what are you going to do to me?
- David Collins: Not me. My mommy.
- [Laura Collins appears]
- Elizabeth Collins Stoddard: What have you done to my daughter?
- Angelique Bouchard: Well, Liz, your perfect Collins pedigree lacked a bit of substance so I sent the werewolf that bit Carolyn in her crib.
- [See David]
- Angelique Bouchard: Just like I made David no better than a bastard, when I sent his Mommy to the ocean floor to have tea with the tuna.
- [Turns to Barnabas]
- Angelique Bouchard: And as for you my love, I killed your mother and father. I cursed your family, my Barnabas. They kept us apart, they couldn't see we're the same. We're meant to be.