29 of 79 found this mild
No graphical nudity or sex scene show in this movie.
Jennifer Garner's character says, "I was masturbating." A man then says, "That makes me think of your vagina." She then goes back into the room and says she will finish masturbating quietly. The masturbation conversation continues for a few minutes. You don't actually see this happen.
A man says that seeing other men turns him on. He then mentions that he is a homosexual.
A man talks about touching a woman's boobs.
Someone tells a woman, "We must have sex or the world will end." She agrees and begins undressing.
A sign for a motel says "for intercourse with a near stranger."
Two characters openly discuss a coupon for sex, using the word "sex." Much open talk about sex, using the word, and procreating throughout the movie. A couple more moments that refer to masturbation and sex.
26 of 28 found this to have none
One character says multiple times how he wants to or tried to kill himself.
Some riots.
22 of 45 found this mild
"Faggot" is said twice
"Prick" is said once
"Shitty" is said
One man uses the 'f' word when he curses God. One man refers to God as a prick.
A couple other swears throughout.
27 of 33 found this mild
A man is seen with a pipe
A woman admits that she will have several drinks. Later she admits that she is drunk.
In one scene, Mark and some of his friends are drinking a few bottles of beer, and in another scene, Greg is driving a vehicle when drunk and a cop pulls him over, and the cop says that he has a large cocaine habit. Mark lies to the cop by saying that Greg isn't drunk, and the cop believes him and thinks he has contracted food poisoning or something similar. There is constant drinking throughout. Some people are seen smoking in several scenes.
23 of 27 found this to have none
In one scene where the main character's mom is dying. It will make some cry