18 of 43 found this mild
Scantily clad women dance, and Britt kisses them, and he wakes up next to a woman in a bra, implying drunken sex occurred.
12 of 27 found this moderate
a lot moderate fights, shootings, and general action throughout. Minimal blood throughout. An antagonist is shot. A guy falls to the grown pend by a car. Other people are thrown off high places. Some of the violence is pretty frentic and fast paced.
11 of 29 found this moderate
Shit, ass, hell, damn, god damn, bitch, bastard, son of a bitch, Jesus, dick, and pussy.
1 middle finger
12 of 21 found this mild
Tobacco is smoked.
At one point the Green Hornet drives his car into a meth lab and a scene takes place there. In a part, a lot of people drink and hold alcohol.
11 of 22 found this mild