Hugo (2011)
Asa Butterfield: Hugo Cabret
Hugo Cabret : Maybe that's why a broken machine always makes me a little sad, because it isn't able to do what it was meant to do... Maybe it's the same with people. If you lose your purpose... it's like you're broken.
Hugo Cabret : I'd imagine the whole world was one big machine. Machines never come with any extra parts, you know. They always come with the exact amount they need. So I figured, if the entire world was one big machine, I couldn't be an extra part. I had to be here for some reason. And that means you have to be here for some reason, too.
Isabelle : We could get into trouble.
Hugo Cabret : That's how you know it's an adventure.
Hugo Cabret : [Angry and disappointed that the automaton hasn't written anything of sense] What an idiot! Thinking I could fix it!
Isabelle : Hugo...
[Hugo looses his composure and begins smashing various items in the room]
Hugo Cabret : It's broken! It's always been broken!
[Sits in chair, covers his face and begins to cry]
Isabelle : Hugo, it doesn't have to be like this. You can fix it.
Hugo Cabret : [crying] You don't... you don't understand. I thought... I thought if I could fix it... then I wouldn't be so alone.
[Hugo's sobs fill the room. Suddenly, the machine begins to draw again]
Isabelle : Hugo, Hugo look! It... it's not done!
[they watch as the automaton begins to draw a picture]
Hugo Cabret : [voice breaking] It's not writing! It... it's drawing!
[they see it is a scene from the movie "A Trip to the Moon."]
Hugo Cabret : That's the movie my Father saw!
[the automaton signs Georges Méliès'name]
Isabelle : [amazed] Georges Méliès. That's Papa Georges name. Why would your Father's machine sign Papa Georges' name?
Hugo Cabret : I don't know.
[picks up drawing and looks at robot]
Hugo Cabret : Thank you.
[turns to Isabelle]
Hugo Cabret : It was a message from my Father. And now I have to figure it out.
Isabelle : I think we should be very... clandestine!
Hugo Cabret : [not knowing what "clandestine" means] Um, okay...
Hugo Cabret : I'm sorry, it's broken.
Georges Méliès : No it's not. It worked perfectly!
Hugo Cabret : I've got to go!
Station Inspector : You'll go nowhere until your parents are found.
Hugo Cabret : I don't have any!
Station Inspector : Then it's straight to the orphanage with you! You'll learn a thing or two there. I certainly did. How to follow orders, how to keep to yourself. How to survive without a family, because you don't need one! You don't need a family!
[as Gustav makes a call to the orphanage, Hugo breaks out of the cell and escapes]
Isabelle : [wonders if she dares to ask the question] Where do you live?
Hugo Cabret : [Hugo looks at her for a minute, then turns and points to the giant clock at the train station across the bridge] There.
Hugo Cabret : My father took me to the movies all the time. He told me about the first one he ever saw. He went into a dark room, and on a white screen, he saw a rocket *fly* - into the eye of the man in the moon. - It went straight in.
Isabelle : Really?
Hugo Cabret : He said it was like seeing his dreams in the middle of the day. The movies were our special place.
Hugo Cabret : You don't understand. You have to let me go. I don't understand why my father died. Why I'm alone. This is my only chance to work. You should understand!
Georges Méliès : I know you're there.
[turns around]
Georges Méliès : What's your name, boy'?
Hugo Cabret : Hugo. Hugo Cabret.
Georges Méliès : Stay away from me, Hugo Cabret.
Hugo Cabret : Give me back my notebook.
Georges Méliès : I'm going home to burn your notebook.
Isabelle : Who are you?
Hugo Cabret : Your grandfather stole my notebook. I've got to get it back before he burns it.
Isabelle : Papa Georges isn't my grandfather. And he isn't a thief. You're the thief. You're nothing but a - a reprobate.
Isabelle : Come on.
Hugo Cabret : Where are we going?
Isabelle : Only to the most wonderful place on earth. It's Neverland and Oz and Treasure Island all wrapped into one.
Isabelle : Don't you like books?
Hugo Cabret : No. No, I do. My father and I used to read Jules Verne together.
Hugo Cabret : Robin Hood. I saw this movie. With Douglas Fairbanks. Did you see that?
Isabelle : I've never seen a movie.
Hugo Cabret : Isabelle... do you want to have an adventure?
Monsieur Labisse : The Film Academy library. You'll find all you need to know about movies there. Second level, fourth row, section three, and, yes, top shelf. "The Invention of Dreams" by Ren Tabard. The Story of the First Movies.
Hugo Cabret : [Hugo and Isabelle find the book and start to read] "In 1895, one of the very first films ever shown was called, ' A Train Arrives in the Station', which had nothing more than a train coming into the station."
Isabelle : "When the train came speeding toward the screen, the audience screamed, because they thought they were in danger of being run over. No one had ever seen anything like it before."
Hugo Cabret : "No one had ever seen anything like it before."
Hugo Cabret : Everything has a purpose, even machines. Clocks tell the time and trains take you places. They do what they're meant to do.
Uncle Claude : [Coming to take Hugo away after his father died] Pack your things, quickly. You're coming with me. Quick! You'll be my apprentice, and you'll live with me at the station. And I'll teach you how to take care of them clocks.
Uncle Claude : [indicating the living quarters at the train station that will be Hugo's new home] These apartments were built for them that run the station years ago. But everybody's forgotten they're here. Your bed is in the corner, over there. Now get some sleep. We start work at 5:00.
Hugo Cabret : [timidly] What about school?
Uncle Claude : You've finished with school! There'll be no time for that when you're in them walls. Hugo, without me, you'd be in the orphanage.