Samuel L. Jackson credited as playing...
Abel Turner
- Chris Mattson: Y'know what, Abel? Fuck you.
- Abel Turner: [laughs] Is that a 'We Are the World' 'fuck you'?
- Chris Mattson: No. It's a special one. Just for you.
- Abel Turner: It's all right, I'm an officer.
- Officer #1: [holding a gun on him] I don't care if you the Pope, asshole, get your hands up!
- Abel Turner: [sitting in his Captain's office] What's going on, Captain?
- Lt. Morgada: Damon Richards. You know him?
- Abel Turner: And you are?
- Captain Wentworth: Uh, this is, uh... Bronson and Morgada. They're, uh...
- Abel Turner: Internal Affairs.
- Captain Wentworth: Yeah. It's just a procedural thing, Abel.
- Lt. Morgada: So, what about Richards?
- Abel Turner: We arrested him last week. He took two shots at me and my partner.
- Captain Wentworth: He's bringing a suit against the department.
- Lt. Morgada: Brutality charges, violation of civil rights, as well as a personal complaint against you.
- Lt. Bronson: [reading from a report] "Officer Turner used excessive force, made threats against..."
- Abel Turner: I gave that asshole a pass, Cap. He took two shots at us.
- Lt. Morgada: You were verbally abusive and you left him with three broken ribs.
- Lt. Bronson: Not to mention shoving a gun in his face.
- Abel Turner: That is not accurate. I talked to him. I tried to educate the individual. I never struck him. If he was injured, that happened when he was out of our custody.
- Captain Wentworth: Look. This is all bullshit, Abel. But,
- [sighs]
- Captain Wentworth: this is what we have to deal with now, right? So, uh, finish your tour today, then take some time off in lieu of disciplinary action. All right?
- [gets up from his chair]
- Abel Turner: How much time?
- Lt. Morgada: Until we tell you otherwise. 'Cause, you know, frankly, over the last few years, you have a number of question marks on your record, so, I wouldn't push it.
- Lt. Bronson: You should be thinking retirement. It's about that time.
- Abel Turner: [scoffs] 28 years. 28 years and this is what I get?
- Lt. Morgada: What do you think you deserve?
- [Abel looks at her, but doesn't say anything]
- Abel Turner: Let me take you on patrol with me, show you the neighborhood.
- Chris Mattson: OK.
- [He and Abel begin walking around the neighborhood as Lisa smiles and laughs from her house window]
- Chris Mattson: Sure the neighbors appreciate this.
- Abel Turner: Well, not everybody up here's somebody you wanna live next to.
- Chris Mattson: Like who?
- Abel Turner: [walking by a house] This guy here, for instance. Sakorsky, Sakwasky, whatever. Beats on his wife. I told her to come straight to me, but, you know, she didn't have to live that way.
- Chris Mattson: Did she...?
- Abel Turner: Well, other people's relationships. You think somebody shouldn't be with somebody, but you can't say that to their face, now can you?
- Chris Mattson: Yup.
- Abel Turner: [walking by another house] Over here, now. Got some dealing going on, I think, you know? Pills, weed, maybe a little coke, meth. A lot of coming and going. Interesting thing is... guy's got a different car in the driveway every week.
- Chris Mattson: Maybe he's a car dealer.
- Abel Turner: [after a brief pause] So, what'd they tell you about the hillside?
- Chris Mattson: Behind the house?
- Abel Turner: Hmm.
- Chris Mattson: Said there was a slide 10 years ago, county reinforced it, and, uh... now they're clearing it out for condos or whatever.
- Abel Turner: Yeah. Hope they knew what they were doing.
- Chris Mattson: Look, Abel, we're here. OK? And we're counting on being here a few years. We re-really want this to be our home.
- [he and Abel stop walking]
- Abel Turner: Raise your family?
- Chris Mattson: Yeah, eventually.
- Abel Turner: Don't wanna rush it, though, right?
- Chris Mattson: Whenever we decide, that's our choice.
- Abel Turner: You and your wife?
- Chris Mattson: Who else's would it be?
- Abel Turner: [chuckles] Ah! It's a brave new world.
- Chris Mattson: How's that?
- Abel Turner: You know, I got nothing against you, or her. LAPD, I work with all kinds. I'd lay my life down for those guys.
- Chris Mattson: All kinds?
- Abel Turner: But, that's where I work. This is where I live. I'm trying to raise these kids by myself. Teach them to respect themselves and the people they come from, so, I don't need you or your lady putting your bedroom scenes out here for them to see. I don't think they're ever gonna forget that little synchronized swimming exhibition. Me, either.
- Chris Mattson: Look, Abel, I'm sorry. I...
- Abel Turner: Maybe there's places where that's OK, and maybe that's where you ought to live.
- [Chris stares aghast as Abel walks away]