Richard Armitage credited as playing...
- Gandalf: Well, why does it matter? He's back!
- Thorin Oakenshield: It matters. I want to know - why did you come back?
- Bilbo Baggins: Look, I know you doubt me, I know you always have. And you're right. I often think of Bag End. I miss my books. And my armchair. And my garden. See, that's where I belong. That's home. That's why I came back, 'cause you don't have one. A home. It was taken from you. But I will help you take it back if I can.
- Thorin Oakenshield: Where did you go, if I may ask?
- Gandalf: To look ahead.
- Thorin Oakenshield: And what brought you back?
- Gandalf: Looking behind.
- Balin: [after overhearing Bilbo tell Gandalf he will not join the Dwarves on their journey] It appears we have lost our burglar. Probably for the best. The odds were always against us. After all, what are we? Merchants, miners, tinkerers, toy-makers. Hardly the stuff of legend.
- Thorin Oakenshield: There are a few warriors amongst us.
- Balin: Old warriors.
- Thorin Oakenshield: I would take each and every one of these Dwarves over an army from the Iron Hills. For when I called upon them, they answered. Loyalty. Honor. A willing heart... I can ask no more than that.
- Balin: You don't have to do this. You have a choice. You've done honorably by our people. You have built a new life for us in the Blue Mountains, a life of peace, and plenty. A life that is worth more than all the gold in Erebor.
- Thorin Oakenshield: [He holds up the key Gandalf has given him] From my grandfather to my father, this has come to me. They dreamt of the day when the Dwarves of Erebor would reclaim their homeland. There is no choice Balin. Not for me.
- Balin: Then we are with you, laddie. We will see it done.
- Thorin Oakenshield: [singing] Far over the misty mountains cold / To dungeons deep and caverns old / We must away at break of day / to find our long forgotten gold
- Dwarves: [singing] The pines were roaring on the height / The winds were moaning in the night / The fire was red, it flame spread / The trees like torches blazed with light...
- Thorin Oakenshield: I cannot guarantee his safety.
- Gandalf: Understood.
- Thorin Oakenshield: Nor will I be responsible for his fate.
- Gandalf: Agreed.
- Thorin Oakenshield: You! What were you doing? You nearly got yourself killed! Did I not say that you would be a burden, that you would not survive in the wild and that you have no place amongst us? I've never been so wrong in all my life.
- [Thorin embraces Bilbo]
- Thorin Oakenshield: And I am sorry for doubting you.
- Bilbo Baggins: No, it's fine. I would have doubted me too. I'm not a hero, or a warrior...
- [looks up at Gandalf]
- Bilbo Baggins: ... Not even a burglar.
- Gandalf: Here lies the Last Homely House East of the Sea.
- Thorin Oakenshield: This was your plan all along - to seek refuge with our enemy?
- Gandalf: You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield. The only ill will to be found in this valley is that which you bring yourself.
- Thorin Oakenshield: You think the Elves will give our quest their blessing? They will try to stop us.
- Gandalf: Of course they will. But we have questions that need to be answered. If we are to be successful this will need to be handled with tact, and respect, and no small degree of charm, which is why you will leave the talking to me.
- Thorin Oakenshield: Do we sit back while others claim what is rightfully ours? Or do we seize this chance to take back Erebor?
- Elrond: So this is your purpose, to enter the mountain?
- Thorin Oakenshield: What of it?
- Elrond: There are some who would not deem it wise.
- Gandalf: What do you mean?
- Elrond: You are not the only guardian to stand watch over Middle-Earth.
- Thorin Oakenshield: Tell me, Mr. Baggins, have you done much fighting?
- Bilbo Baggins: Pardon me?
- Thorin Oakenshield: Axe or sword, what's your weapon of choice?
- Bilbo Baggins: [proudly] Well, I do have some skill at conkers, if you must know.
- Great Goblin: I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head. Just the head, nothing attached. Perhaps you know of whom I speak, an old enemy of yours. A Pale Orc astride a White Warg.
- Thorin Oakenshield: Azog the Defiler is no more. He was slain in battle long ago!
- Great Goblin: So you think his defiling days are done, do you?
- Dwalin: I thought we had lost our burglar.
- Thorin Oakenshield: He's been lost ever since he left his home. He should not have come, he has no place among us.
- Thorin Oakenshield: Rumors have begun to spread, The dragon Smaug has not been seen in many years... Perhaps the vast wealth of our people lies unprotected... perhaps it is time to take back Erebor!
- Balin: We're all right! We're alive!
- Bofur: Where's Bilbo? Where's the Hobbit?
- Ori: There!
- Dwalin: Get him! I thought we'd lost our burglar.
- Thorin Oakenshield: He's been lost ever since he left home.
- Thorin Oakenshield: You think that's funny? You think a night raid by Orcs is a joke?
- Kili: We didn't mean anything by it.
- Thorin Oakenshield: No you didn't. You know nothing of the world.
- Gandalf: The Elves could help us, we could get food, rest, advice.
- Thorin Oakenshield: I do not need their advice.
- Gandalf: We have a map that we cannot read. Lord Elrond could help us.
- Thorin Oakenshield: Help? A dragon attacks Erebor. What help came from the Elves? Orcs plunder Moria, desecrate our sacred halls, the Elves looked on and did nothing! You ask me to seek out the very people who betrayed my grandfather, who betrayed my father.
- Gandalf: You are neither of them.
- Balin: Welcome, Master Baggins, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield.
- Thorin Oakenshield: Give him a pony.