David Saracino credited as playing...
- Tom: [driving around] We're still in France here?
- Farid: We're in the Middle Ages.
- Tom: [lighting up weed] Okay, that's my last joint.
- Farid: Liar.
- Tom: Okay, me second to last... third to last, maximum.
- Tom: Good evening, ladies. Can we get a room?
- Gilberte: Everything is possible here. All the rooms are available.
- Tom: Well, it's our lucky day.
- Gilberte: I don't know. You have a lucky number?
- Tom: Two. We can do so many things in twos.
- Tom: Don't you want a guy like me? A real man. You probably don't see many in here.
- Gilberte: Usually we have truck drivers here. You... you look sensitive.
- Farid: He bangs anything that moves.
- Tom: [to Gilberte] I'm a sensitive guy.
- [points to eyes]
- Tom: Look, my sensitivity is right there.
- [points to crotch]
- Tom: And it's there, too.
- Gilberte: Something wrong?
- Tom: Let's say that I didn't think we'd eat like a family, but I'm all right.
- Klaudia: It's more cozy.
- Tom: [to Farid] Fascist country. I told you that France was ten years behind the USA. Here it comes - finally we have our George Bush.