Scott Poythress credited as playing...
- Anna: What if my party guests show up?
- Clark: Anna, I don't know if you know this, but there is some seriously insane shit going on out there right now. People are losing their minds.
- [Clark goes to turn off the TV]
- Clark: There's a bad sector in the electromagnetic spectrum which is causing a rift in logical thinking. Rational behavior has given way to primal... primordial action.
- [Anna sees someone on fire outside]
- Clark: We've reached a critical juncture in the consistency of everyday living. Societal norms are being completely abandoned. Anarchy has replaced etiquette. Chaos is the ruling class of this civilization, so I think coming to a goddamn New Years Eve party is the last thing on people's minds!
- [doorbell rings]
- Clark: Anna, I need a couple of things that Ken borrowed, namely my hatchet... and some garbage bags.
- Lewis Denton: The TV must've gotten into his head and told him to kill you.
- Anna: Yeah, that's what happened to Ken. He was watching TV and it made him go bad.
- [two people run from a man chasing them with a chainsaw in the background]
- Clark: This is without a doubt the most fucked up day in the history of mankind. We should go back inside.
- Anna: [cheerful] Who wants cocktails?
- [doorbell rings]
- Clark: God in heaven!
- Lewis Denton: [grabbing a shovel] Just open the door and I'll take them down.
- Clark: No. That's not the way to play this.
- Lewis Denton: We can't be sure. We have to exterminate with extreme prejudice.
- Clark: It might be somebody who could help us. We don't know.
- [doorbell rings again]
- Lewis Denton: We can't risk it. I'm killing whoever walks through that door.
- Clark: [looking through the peephole] It's Jim. It's Jim Parsons.
- Lewis Denton: Trust no one!
- Clark: You were the one watching the TV!
- Lewis Denton: I told you I wasn't watching the TV! Listen, if I had it, I would've killed you by now, right?
- Clark: I guess.
- Lewis Denton: I'm fine, and you're fine, and she's fine. This we know. But he may not be, and probably isn't.
- Ben: Listen to me. The car, the one that's wrecked, the one's that outside. The girl inside of it... where did she go?
- Clark: I told you already!
- Ben: Not me, that wasn't me. We've got to find her.
- Clark: I don't know. I don't know. Maybe he knows.
- [Clark points towards a decapitated head on the floor]
- Clark: He was with her!
- Ben: Man, he's not gonna be able to talk to us!
- Lewis Denton: What do you have here?
- Clark: [nervously] Ken... napping.
- Lewis Denton: He looks dead.
- Anna: He is.
- Lewis Denton: I see.
- Clark: It was self defense.
- Anna: You chopped his head off!
- Lewis Denton: He had it coming... probably. These are wild times. Everybody's been driven to desperate measures. I guess this happens to everybody.
- Jim Parsons: Are Ken and Anna around?
- Clark: Anna's, uh, getting ready. And Ken is just lying down for... a second.
- Lewis Denton: He's dead tired.
- [Clark nervously laughs]
- Ben: Listen to me. Do you hear that? Listen. It's past the noise in your head. That is the natural world. That has been here a long time before us. It's going to be here a long time after we're gone. That is real. And that is what we focus on.
- Clark: Past the noise...
- Ben: Yeah.
- Clark: [laughing] This calls for a radical reassessment of all the facts.
- Lewis Denton: What do you have here?
- Clark: [whimper] it's Ken... napping.
- Lewis Denton: He looks dead.
- Anna: He is.
- Lewis Denton: I see. Who did this?
- Anna: I did. I didn't want to!
- Lewis Denton: You killed him?
- Anna: Well, Clark killed somebody too!
- Clark: I did no- I did... but it was self-defense!
- [cut to Clark's apartment with the three looking down at Rod's dead body]
- Anna: You chopped his head off!
- Lewis Denton: He had it coming... probably. These are wild times.
- Anna: [doorbell rings] Party guests!
- Clark: Act natural.
- [Anna and Lewis line up behind Clark at the door with weapons ready]
- Laura: You gotta help me! My mom is trying to kill me and so I ran over her in the car and my dad was in the house and he made the dog die because he tried to bite me and I left in the car and I didn't know where to go and I remembered that Anna and Ken lived here and I'm Laura.
- Anna: Laura!
- Laura: Anna!
- [Laura pushes her way into the apartment past Clark]
- Clark: [Lewis smacks Laura in the head with the pesticide can, knocking her down] What the Fuck?
- [Lewis continues to beat Laura to death]
- Anna: You killed Laura!
- Lewis Denton: She was coming at you!
- Anna: Stay away from me! You killed Laura!
- Lewis Denton: She was heading straight for you with that knife!
- Anna: She doesn't have a knife!
- Clark: That's a keychain...
- Anna: [doorbell rings] Party guests!
- Clark: Act natural.
- [Anna and Lewis line up behind Clark at the door with weapons ready]
- Janice: You gotta help me! My mom is trying to kill me and so I ran over her in the car and my dad was in the house and he made the dog die because he tried to bite me and I left in the car and I didn't know where to go and I remembered that Anna and Ken lived here and I'm Laura.
- Anna: Laura!
- Janice: Anna!
- [Laura pushes her way into the apartment past Clark]
- Clark: [Lewis smacks Laura in the head with the pesticide can, knocking her down] What the Fuck?
- [Lewis continues to beat Laura to death]
- Anna: You killed Laura!
- Lewis Denton: She was coming at you!
- Anna: Stay away from me! You killed Laura!
- Lewis Denton: She was heading straight for you with that knife!
- Anna: She doesn't have a knife!
- Clark: That's a keychain...