Ben Lewis credited as playing...
Other Scott
- Other Scott: And you didn't bang her? Are you gay?
- Scott Pilgrim: I couldn't stop thinking about my stupid ex-girlfriend.
- Jimmy: Is that the Uma Thurman movie?
- Scott Pilgrim: Oh God!
- Wallace Wells: What is it, Scott?
- Scott Pilgrim: I had this totally weird dream...
- Other Scott: Oh God!
- Wallace Wells: What is it, Other Scott?
- Other Scott: Can we skip the dream time? Color me not interested.
- Scott Pilgrim: But there was this girl...
- Wallace Wells: Girl...
- Other Scott: Is this an envy-related dream again?
- Wallace Wells: You don't use the "e" word in this house.
- Wallace Wells: Scott, just because Envy's back in town doesn't make it not over.
- Scott Pilgrim: Double negative. It's tricky.
- Other Scott: It's over. Move on.