72 of 87 found this to have none
A man and woman go to bed together and kiss lovingly, no nudity.
44 of 63 found this moderate
As Lincoln passes through Petersburg we see men with missing limbs, bloody wounds, and horrified expressions stained permanently on their faces. The most graphic part is when Lincoln passes by a gored up and disemboweled soldier. (Very Graphic, Camera lingers close-up-ish)
The opening scene sees men shooting, beating, drowning in the mud either being shoved by hands or boots to the face, and most violently being impaled by bayonets. Some of it being bloody. All of it is very disturbing and realistic.
PG-13 violence type: blood and graphic.
When Lincoln visits wounded war vets, we see a person pushing a cart filled with severed arms and legs that drip blood.
Lincoln visits a battlefield, where dead bodies are strewn about.
When Robert and his father get into an argument, Lincoln slaps him across the face.
A man is shot in the foot.
46 of 73 found this moderate
Several uses of 'Goddamn' and around 5 uses of 'Shit'. Rare uses of 'Bitch'
2 uses of the F word. A few uses of words like 'Ass' 'Crap' and 'Hell'.
'Nigger' is said.
44 of 54 found this mild
Several characters are shown drinking (wine, beer and other presumably alcoholic beverages) and smoking (mostly cigars).
Preston Blair's wife instructs a servant to get him drunk during a long journey so he'll be able to sleep.
31 of 58 found this mild
The early scene of a battle is frightening.
Some emotionally intense moments related to race and slavery.
A husband and wife have an argument, where they raise their voice and the woman starts crying.