In the part where Edward goes to meet "Elvis" under the tree. Audrey is being walked up at gun point. When Edward turns around, between Edward and Elvis you can see the drivers side fender full of holes from gun shots and again during the scuttle between Elvis and the soldier. But seconds later you'll see the army Hummer driving up and shooting up a flawless fender.
When Ed meets Elvis under the tree the sun reflects off his car door and is clearly visible on Eds face. The whole moving is about the sun curing the disease or killing the vampire. The experiment they do on Ed uses a mirror.
In the first scene set in Charles Bromley's office, Bromley greets Edward Dalton and touches Dalton at the elbow with his right hand; in the next shot, Bromley's arm is at his side.
When the humvee collides with the broken beam on the bridge scene its and suv, when it falls into the river its a pickup model.
The cure is treated vampire blood. However, after Bromley is cured, none of the vampires that feed on him appear to be cured, despite later being cured by feeding on Frankie.
The film constantly claims that small amounts of sunlight/UVLight have devastating effects on vampires. On this condition a vampire couldn't survive in the shadow of a tree during bright day. The amount of reflected uv-light in a shadow at noon is considerably high, much higher than e.g. a small ray or the sunsetting/sunrising sun.
During the car chase, holes made in the rear window of the car let sun rays come in. These rays are almost horizontal, but around noon (the time of the meeting), sun rays would be almost vertical.
In the first scene, a calendar dated April 2019 is shown. The 1st of April is shown to be on a Tuesday, while it should actually be on Monday.
When we first "see" Edward Dalton, it's as an empty collar and tie in his car's rear-view mirror - as a vampire, he casts no reflection. A bit later, his right ear feels strange, so he pulls down his sun visor to check it out in the mirror there, and he's able to see himself. However, if you look closely there is a video camera in the sun visor that then projects the video in the spot where a mirror would be.
When Ethan Hawke and Willem Dafoe run through the Subwalk, the word 'Adelaide' can be seen on a placard, indicating a filming location in Brisbane's Central Station near Adelaide Street, one of the major streets in the Brisbane CBD. However, numerous US and Canadian cities (most famously Toronto) also have an 'Adelaide' street, most of them presumably named either for the city in South Australia or, like the city, for the queen (consort of William IV, who reigned 1830-1837).
When Edward shelters the humans in his car, he activates Daytime Driving Mode which uses cameras for visibility. However, Audrey notices the ignition key is missing, meaning the vehicle's electronics would not be functioning.
While a human caravan is heading back to their 'base' they get ambushed by Vampires from both sides, the humans in turn take cover on either side of their cars but they only get shot at from the side their facing, despite being 'surrounded'.
When Audrey stabs the security guard in the neck blood spurts out - something that couldn't happen as vampires have no heartbeat to pump blood.