Jennifer Tilly credited as playing...
Queen Gunhilda
- Queen Gunhilda: It's your daddy's fault you were the way you were, not mine. 'Cause I loved you... lip smackin' little junkie baby. Irritable and hyperactive, you was, just twitchin' and spasms and convulsions. Your daddy blew smoke in your face to keep you quiet; you know that, mm hmm. I think it what damaged you, well don't blame me, cuz. I breast fed you forever... Jeliza Rose you know I love you, don't you? I'm sorry baby, I'm gonna do something real nice for you real soon some day, I promise.... What the fuck are you doin'? How many times do I have to tell you to stay away from my chocolate, you little bitch?... Oh honey, I don't want you to leave me, Jeliza Rose. I can't get by without you, Jeliza Rose.