When Leslie tells Jess to open her purse to let the light out, the purse switches from Jess' to Leslie's hands, and back again between shots.
The part of Hannah Montana (2006) that Jess' sisters are watching repeats while Leslie is at the Aarons' home.
The amount of keys on the key ring that Jess retrieves varies between shots: initially it is five or six rings linked together as his dad hands them to him; then it is small and fits easily in Jess' palm after the giant troll catches him; finally, it is five or six rings linked together again as Jess gives them back to his dad.
At starting scene of Leslie and Jess in church, when Jess looks at Leslie's boots, it is clearly visible that Leslie has no leggings, however, when they walk out from the church after the mess, Leslie has white leggings on.
When Jess is pouring the paint into the creek/river, the first shot shows the current taking the paint away to his right. The second shot shows the current taking the paint away to his left.
The lettered-S river part from the view of Terabithia matches the part of the 2006/2011 Disney logo.
The class is singing "Someday" in one scene. We see a staff on the board with a key signature containing one sharp indicating G Major. However, they are singing "Someday" in A Major, which has a three-sharp key signature. We assume the students are still learning about single sharps and flats.
When the song "Someday" is played in the classroom scenes, Leslie turns to look at Jess and we see her mouth the words "I know there's a better way" and the audio matches. However, when the shot changes back to Jess, he is mouthing words during a rest between lines of the song.
When the pine cone is dropped on Jess and Leslie, Jess called them grenades and Leslie said that there were no grenades. But when they are attacked again and they throw the pine cones she turns to Jess and says "Told you they were grenades."