Michelle Williams credited as playing...
- Alma Beers Del Mar: You know, your friend could come inside, have a cup of coffee...
- Ennis Del Mar: He's from Texas.
- Alma Beers Del Mar: Texans don't drink coffee?
- Alma Beers Del Mar: Don't try and fool me no more, Ennis; I know what that means! Jack Twist.
- Ennis Del Mar: Come on, Alma.
- Alma Beers Del Mar: Jack Nasty! You didn't go up there to fish!
- [two drunken bikers sit down near Ennis, Alma, and their daughters at the fireworks show]
- Biker #1: Whoooeee! Look at this crowd. Bound to be a lot of pussy on the hoof in a crowd like this.
- Biker #2: All swelled up with patriotic feeling and ready to be humped like a frog.
- Biker #1: So where you figure the most pussy's at - Las Vegas or California?
- Biker #2: Hell, I don't know. But if you make it between Wyoming and Montana, I'd pick Wyoming in a minute.
- Ennis Del Mar: Hey, you might wanna keep it down. I got two little girls here.
- Biker #1: Fuck you! Asshole.
- [to his friend]
- Biker #1: Probably quit givin' it to his wife after his kids was born. You know what that's like?
- Alma Beers Del Mar: Ennis, let's move. Let's just move, okay?
- Ennis Del Mar: [to bikers] Now, I don't want no trouble from you. You need to shut your slop-bucket mouths, you hear me?
- Biker #2: You oughta listen to your old lady, then.
- Ennis Del Mar: Is that right?
- Biker #1: Yeah. Move somewhere else.
- [Ennis gets up and kicks the first biker hard in the face, then turns angrily on the second one]
- Ennis Del Mar: How about it? You wanna lose about half your fuckin' teeth? Huh?
- Biker #2: [backing off and leaving] Not tonight, bud. I'd sure rather not.
- Alma Beers Del Mar: As far behind as we are on the bills, it makes me nervous not to use any sort of precaution.
- Ennis Del Mar: If you don't want no more o' my kids, I'll be happy to just leave you alone.
- Alma Beers Del Mar: [pauses] I'd have 'em if you'd support 'em.