48 of 139 found this moderate
Man is seen having sex with woman from behind fully nude, frontal nudity is shown.
At start of movie, camera follows lower half of a woman walking in lacy panties. View is from side, then briefly from behind, edge of bumcheeks seen as she walks. 'Summer of love' talked about in voiceover, sexual activity implied.
at 57:14 from end of the movie A man and a woman meet in a hotel room for sex and begin kissing and undressing. The man is shirtless. The woman is seen in her underwear and garters. Later she is shown to be adjusting her breasts in the bra that she puts on. They do not have sex. scene lasts for 2 min and ends at 55:06 from end of the movie
A man has "artistic" posters and paintings of nude women in his apartment (seen momentarily in the background). woman's naked back and upper part of her buttocks is seen in the painting.
A brief shot of a group of people walking past an adult store.
A woman in a gown talks to a man on the phone and tells him she is naked. She then makes a reference to her nipples and "fanny".
38 of 63 found this severe
A man is shot by an enemy sniper. The bullet wound is seen with some blood.
R violence type: blood and brutal.
Strong brutal violence.
A man smashes another's face into ice and frozen fish until blood drips out, making the slushy ice red and leaving cuts and scars on the mans face and blood leaking out of his mouth. The man's face is bloodied and rather swollen.
A scene where one character beats another into unconsciousness. We mostly see this from the victims point of view. His fairly bloodied face is seen shortly, after a pot of hot tea is poured onto it.
Several people, a total of 11 men and women, are shot dead. Some bloodlessly, others bloodily. Blood oozes out of wounds or sprays out of the back of the body, where the bullet exits.
We see the dead body of a man shortly, with an ironing mark on his bare chest.
A dead man's head is cut off offscreen and given to another man in a cooler; we see the head in the cooler momentarily.
43 of 62 found this severe
Pervasive strong language.
210 uses of "fuck", 12 uses of "shit", 7 uses of "bastard", 4 uses of "piss", and 3 uses of "prick" and "bollocks".
41 of 52 found this severe
The opening sequence contains a few shots of people smoking marijuana and processing cocaine. Cocaine is snorted twice.
A person takes some ecstasy off screen and is shown high.
Two drug-addicts fight over a dose. Drugs are discussed throughout, as they play a major role in the plot.
Some use of alcohol: a man tells a woman he likes it when she's drunk.
A man crushes pain pills and puts the dust into some alcoholic beverage, which he drinks.
29 of 53 found this moderate
A man shoots himself in the mouth
Some of the killings are sudden, and the ending could be intense and upsetting.