Chris Miller credited as playing...
- Skipper the Penguin: [Looking at the shipping label on their crate] Kowalski. What does it say?
- Kowalski: I can't make it out, Skipper - it's an older code.
- Skipper the Penguin: Not good enough.
- [Looking over at Mason the Chimpanzee]
- Skipper the Penguin: You! Higher mammal. Can you read?
- Mason the Chimpanzee: No, but Phil can. Phil?
- [Phil the Chimpanzee begins motioning with his hands, which Mason interprets]
- Mason the Chimpanzee: Ship to... Kenya Wildlife Preserve... Africa.
- Skipper the Penguin: Africa! That ain't gonna fly! Rico!
- [Rico begins coughing and spits up a paper clip, with which he picks the lock on the crate. The penguins then escape and take over the ship]
- Skipper the Penguin: Just smile and wave, boys. Smile and wave. Kowalski, progress report.
- Kowalski: [In a hole] We're only 500 feet from the main sewer line.
- Skipper the Penguin: And the bad news?
- Kowalski: [laying a broken plastic spoon at Skipper's feet] We've broken our last shovel.
- Skipper the Penguin: Right. Rico, you're on litter patrol. We need shovels, and find more Popsicle sticks. We don't want to risk another cave-in.
- Private the Penguin: And me, Skipper?
- Skipper the Penguin: I want you to act cute and cuddly, Private. Today we're gonna blow this dump.