Ben Stiller credited as playing...
- [Marty the Zebra and Alex the Lion running towards each other on the beach in slow motion with arms outstretched and Chariots of Fire music]
- Alex the Lion: Marty!
- Marty the Zebra: Alex!
- Alex the Lion: Marty!
- Marty the Zebra: Alex!
- Alex the Lion: Marty!
- Marty the Zebra: Alex!
- Alex the Lion: [angrily] Marty!
- Marty the Zebra: [afraid] Alex?
- Alex the Lion: [real-time] Marty!
- Marty the Zebra: Oh, Sugar Honey Ice Tea!
- Alex the Lion: 27, 28, 29, 30. Hmm, 30 black and only 29 white, looks like you're black with white stripes after all. Dilemma solved. Good night!
- Alex the Lion: [shouts] You maniac! You burned it up! Darn you! Darn you all to heck!
- Melman the Giraffe: Can we go to the fun side now?
- Julian: Where are you giants from?
- Alex the Lion: We're from New York.
- Julian: All hail the New York Giants!
- Alex the Lion: [talking in his sleep] Come on now, baby. My little filet. My little filet mignon with a little fat around the edges. I like that. I like a little fat on my steak. My sweet, juicy steak. You are a rare delicacy.
- Alex the Lion: Today was a great day. It just doesn't get any better than this, you know? Oh, look, it just did. Even the star is out. You won't find a star like that in the wild.
- Marty the Zebra: Helicopter.
- Alex the Lion: Come on! What does Connecticut have to offer us?
- Melman the Giraffe: Lyme disease.
- Alex the Lion: Thank you, Melman.
- Alex the Lion: The wild? Are you nuts? That is the worst idea I have ever heard!
- Melman the Giraffe: It's unsanitary!
- Marty the Zebra: The penguins are going, so why can't I?
- Alex the Lion: The penguins are psychotic!
- [on the subway, Alex roars at a guy hiding behind a newspaper]
- Alex the Lion: Augh! Knicks lost again!
- Melman the Giraffe: Eh. Whatcha gonna do?
- Train conductor: [over PA] Grand Central Station.
- Alex the Lion: Did he just say "Grand Central Station," or "My aunt's constipation"?
- Marty the Zebra: [about King Julian] He's got style.
- Alex the Lion: What is he, like, king of the guinea pigs?
- Melman the Giraffe: I think it's a squirrel.
- Julian: Welcome, giant pansies. Please feel free to bask in my glow.
- Alex the Lion: Definitely a squirrel.
- Melman the Giraffe: Yep, a squirrel.
- Alex the Lion: I'm swimming back to New York! I know my chances are slim, but I have to try!
- Gloria the Hippo: Alex, you can't swim!
- Alex the Lion: I said my chances are slim!
- Gloria the Hippo: Melman! Are you okay?
- Melman the Giraffe: Yeah. I often doze off while I'm getting an MRI.
- Alex the Lion: Melman, you're not getting an MRI.
- Melman the Giraffe: CAT scan?
- Alex the Lion: No! No CAT scan! It's a transfer! It's a zoo transfer!
- Melman the Giraffe: Zoo transfer? Oh, no. No, no. I can't be transferred. I have an appointment with Dr. Goldberg at five. There are prescriptions that have to be filled! No other zoo can afford my medical care! And I am NOT going HMO!
- Marty the Zebra: Take it easy, Melman. We are gonna be o-kizzay.
- Alex the Lion: No, we're not gonna be o-kizzay! Because of you, we're ruined!
- Marty the Zebra: Did you ever think that there might be more to live than steak, Alex?
- Alex the Lion: [to his steak] He didn't mean that, baby. No, no, no.
- Gloria the Hippo: Does anyone else feel nauseous?
- Melman the Giraffe: I feel nauseous.
- Alex the Lion: Melman, you always feel nauseous.
- Julian: After much deep and profound brain things inside my head, I have decided to thank you for bringing peace to our home. And to make you feel good, I'm going to give you this lovely parting gift.
- [presents Alex with his crown]
- Alex the Lion: No, I couldn't. Really, I can't take your crown.
- Julian: Oh, that's OK. I've got a bigger crown. It's got a gecko on it. Look at him shake! Go, Stevie, go!
- [first lines]
- Alex the Lion: Surprise!
- Marty the Zebra: Aaahhh! Alex! Do not interrupt me when I'm daydreaming. When a zebra's in the zone, leave him alone.
- [singing]
- Alex the Lion: Happy...
- Gloria the Hippo: Birth...
- Melman the Giraffe: Day...
- Alex the Lion: To...
- Gloria the Hippo: You...
- Alex the Lion: You...
- Melman the Giraffe: Live...
- Gloria the Hippo: In...
- Alex the Lion: A zoo...
- Gloria the Hippo: You...
- Melman the Giraffe: Look...
- Alex the Lion: Like a monkey...
- Melman the Giraffe: And...
- Alex the Lion: You smell...
- Gloria the Hippo: Like...
- [all together]
- Alex the Lion, Melman the Giraffe, Gloria the Hippo: One too!
- Alex the Lion: They should call it the San Di-lame-o Zoo. First they tell you, "Hey, we got this great open plan, where animals can run wild." Next thing you know, you have flowers in your hair, and everybody's hugging everybody.