137 of 355 found this moderate
A female zombie towards the end of the movie is running with no shirt on and her breasts are shown multiple times.
Jim is shown nude multiple times. His penis is visible when he awakes in the hospital, and his buttocks are shown later when showering.
Some soldiers make it clear that they want to have sex with a woman using verbal innuendos.
150 of 171 found this severe
Strong violence and gore.
When people are infected with the "rage" virus they vomit blood and goo, their eyes turn red and they become maniacal, trying to infect non-infected people.
A boy jumps at a man hissing and growling and the man is implied to beat him to death with a bat (he is seen wiping blood off his bat and mentions he killed a boy).
Infected people with rage virus break into a house, tackle a man, and another man hacks them to death with a machete.
A man is stabbed in the stomach by a bayonet, and a man is shot.
A man and a woman are attacked by infected people: one infected man is hacked and beaten and thrown down a flight of stairs.
A man is dragged out of a car and attacked by Infected people with rage virus.
Many Infected people with rage virus charge toward a military encampment; they run through a mine field and are blown up into the air and others are shot down by men with guns. Very gory.
A man is attacked by two infected people and blood is splattered all around the room; another man is attacked by an infected man, they wrestle on the floor, the infected man vomits on him infecting him and he then runs through a building chasing others and screaming.
A man fights with another man, he slams his head against a wall and gouges his eyes with his thumbs as the other man screams (very strong violence).
112 of 146 found this severe
Fuck, shit, bastard and cunt are used sparingly.
83 of 142 found this moderate
Alcohol, tobacco, and sleeping aids are used.
132 of 154 found this severe
The opening sequence involving the infected chimps could be very frightening and intense in a way to viewers. This scene sets the tone for the rest of the movie.
This movie has the scariest depiction of zombies/infected people. They aren't slow walking things, they sprint really fast, and the realistic filming heightens the tension more and even fighting one is a struggle.
The opening scene is a Monkey tied down to a table and forced to watch horrific violent videos whilst multiple cages monkeys scream and rattle at cages, it is stated they are infected with "rage" this may be upsetting for animal lovers.
The film revolves around an epidemic caused by the Rage Virus, a horrific bloodborne virus that turns anyone it infects into a feral, screaming, shadow of their former self within seconds, filled with intense rage, bloodlust and a desire to kill or infect anyone around them in any way that they possibly can. This very premise is every bit as horrifying as it sounds, and the way in how it's executed is extremely frightening and intense.
The scenes mentioned in "Violence/Gore" can be frightening to some, particularly the machete "mercy" kill.
The first few scenes involving a man exploring the deserted London are very creepy.
The scene in which zombies are catching up with the heroes in a tunnel when their car breaks down is very intense.
There is a jump scene where a zombie appears at a window and breaks though very suddenly and frighteningly.
There is an upsetting scene in which a man discovers his parents have committed suicide, and he finds them dead in bed and cries at the sight of them. They have written him an upsetting and emotional note, and he cries as he reads it.