- Jason Bourne: Who has a safety deposit box full of money and six passports and a gun? Who has a bank account number in their hip? I come in here, and the first thing I'm doing is I'm catching the sightlines and looking for an exit.
- Marie: I see the exit sign, too. I'm not worried. I mean, you were shot. People do all kinds of weird and amazing stuff when they are scared.
- Jason Bourne: I can tell you the license plate numbers of all six cars outside. I can tell you that our waitress is left-handed and the guy sitting up at the counter weighs two hundred fifteen pounds and knows how to handle himself. I know the best place to look for a gun is the cab or the gray truck outside, and at this altitude, I can run flat out for a half mile before my hands start shaking. Now why would I know that? How can I know that and not know who I am?
- Jason Bourne: [Getting ready to leave Marie's car in front of his apartment house] Thanks for the ride.
- Marie: Any time.
- Jason Bourne: [after a pause] Well, you can come up, and you can... or you could wait here. I - I can go check it out, but you could wait...
- Marie: Uh, no, no...
- Jason Bourne: [as she is saying no] You could wait...
- Marie: ...no, no!
- Marie: Um, with you, you would probably just forget about me if I... stayed... here.
- Jason Bourne: How could I forget about you?
- [laughs]
- Jason Bourne: You're the only person I know.
- [last lines]
- Jason Bourne: This your store?
- Marie: Yeah.
- Jason Bourne: It's nice. It's a little hard to find, but... Think I could rent a scooter?
- Marie: Do you have ID?
- Jason Bourne: Not really.
- Jason Bourne: Where is it? Where's the weapon?
- [Retrieves pistol]
- Jason Bourne: Who else is out here? Who else? How many have you got with you? I'm not gonna ask you again.
- The Professor: I work alone, like you. We always work alone.
- Jason Bourne: What do you mean?
- The Professor: Who are you? Bourne? Paris? Treadstone, both of us.
- Jason Bourne: Treadstone?
- The Professor: Which one?
- Jason Bourne: Paris. I live in Paris.
- The Professor: Do you get the headaches?
- Jason Bourne: Yeah.
- The Professor: I get such bad headaches, you know, at night when you're driving the car. I don't know, maybe it has something to do with the headlights.
- Jason Bourne: What is Treadstone?
- The Professor: Treadstone said "Pioz." They said, "Go to Paris."
- Jason Bourne: Is Treadstone in Paris?
- The Professor: [Dying words] Look at this. Look at what they make you give.
- Jason Bourne: Who am I?
- Conklin: You're a U.S. Government property. You're a malfunctioning $30 million weapon. You're a total g*dd*mn catastrophe, and by G*d, if it kills me, you're going to tell me how this happened.
- Jason Bourne: Why are you trying to kill me?
- Conklin: What happened in Marseille?
- Jason Bourne: Why are you try... You sent me to kill Wombosi.
- Conklin: Kill Wombosi? Yeah, we can do that any time we want. I can send Nicky to do that, for Chr*st's sake. Mr. Wombosi was supposed to be dead three weeks ago. He was supposed to have died in a way where the only possible explanation was that he'd been murdered by a member of his own entourage. I don't send you to kill. I send you to be invisible. I send you, because you don't exist. Now, I want to know what happened in Marseille.
- Jason Bourne: I don't remember what happened in Marseille.
- Conklin: B*llsh*t! This is unacceptable, soldier. You hear me? You failed.
- Jason Bourne: Unacceptable?
- Conklin: You failed! You failed, and you're gonna tell me why!
- Jason Bourne: I can't tell you! I can't... I don't remember a g*dd*mn thing!
- Conklin: You brought John Michael Kane to life. You put together a meeting with Wombosi. You found the security cover. You broke into the office. For Chr*st's sake, you're the one who picked the yacht as the g*dd*mn strike point!
- [pause]
- Conklin: You picked the boat, you picked the day, you tracked the crew, the food, the fuels. You told us where. You told us when. You hid out on that boat five days. You were in, Jason. You were in. It was over!
- [Bourne experiences intense flashbacks of incident]
- Conklin: No, you do remember. Don't you?
- Jason Bourne: [pause] I don't want to do this anymore.
- Conklin: I don't think that's a decision you can make.
- Jason Bourne: [Throws Conklin against wall] Jason Bourne is dead, you hear me? He drowned two weeks ago. You're gonna go tell 'em that Jason Bourne is dead, you understand?
- Conklin: Where are you gonna go?
- Jason Bourne: [Punches Conklin] I swear to G*d, if I even feel somebody behind me, there is no measure to how fast and how hard I will bring this fight to your doorstep. I'm on my own side now.
- Jason Bourne: What happened?
- Marie: Nothing.
- Jason Bourne: Did something go wrong?
- Marie: I've got the records. This guy at the front desk was smiling at me, so I thought, all this trouble, maybe it's easier to just ask for them.
- Jason Bourne: You have the bill?
- Marie: [pulling paper from pocket] He made me a photocopy.
- Jason Bourne: [incredulous] You just asked for it?
- Marie: I said I was Mr. Kane's personal assistant.
- Jason Bourne: [pause] Oh. Okay. Good thinking.
- Jason Bourne: [during a car chase] So...
- Marie: What?
- Jason Bourne: ...we got a bump coming up.
- [drives the car down a flight of stairs]
- Zorn: [Answers phone] Code in, please. Code in. Code in.
- Jason Bourne: Who is this?
- Jason Bourne: [pause] Who the hell are you? The man you sent is dead. So, whoever this is, you'd better start talking.
- Conklin: Hello, Jason. So, what are we into now?
- Conklin: [pause] Come on, it only goes two ways, Jason. Either you come in and let us make this right, or we're gonna have to keep going until we're satisfied.
- Jason Bourne: You mean until you kill me.
- Conklin: I can't fix this, Jason, if I don't know what the problem is. So, tell me what we're into, and I'll do the best I can.
- Conklin: [pause] Why don't you, uh, talk to Marie, Jason? Let's ask Marie what she wants to do.
- Jason Bourne: Actually, I don't think she gives a sh*t. She's dead.
- Conklin: [pause] I'm sorry to hear that. How did that happen?
- Jason Bourne: She was slowing me down.
- Conklin: Jason, listen, all we've been doing right from...
- Jason Bourne: Enough, enough. 5:30 pm. Paris. Today. Pont Neuf. You come alone. You walk to the middle of that bridge. You take off your jacket. Face east. I'll redial this number.
- Conklin: Jason, wait.
- [Bourne hangs up]
- Jason Bourne: [talking to Conklin] I told you to come alone, but I guess that was too hard. So try this - I'm gone.
- [hangs up cell phone]
- Jason Bourne: Look, I'm... you're acting like I'm trying to burn you here. I'm just trying to do the right thing.
- Marie: Nobody does the right thing.
- Marie: [Jason Bourne meets Marie for the first time, when she is about to get into her car. She is suspicious of him] What are you looking at?
- Jason Bourne: I heard you inside.
- Marie: What?
- Jason Bourne: The consulate. I heard you talking? I thought maybe we could help each other.
- Marie: How's that?
- Jason Bourne: You need money. I need a ride outta here.
- Marie: I'm not running a car service just now, thank you.
- Jason Bourne: I'll give you ten thousand dollars for driving me to Paris.
- Marie: [She says in German] What, do you think I am, a fool?
- Jason Bourne: [He replies in German] You'd be a fool not to take it.
- [He holds up a packet of dollar bills]
- Marie: What is this, a joke? Some kind of scam?
- Jason Bourne: No, it's no scam.
- [He tosses her the packet of bills]
- Jason Bourne: And I'll give you another ten when we get there.
- Marie: Jesus.
- [while she leafs through the bills, a police car with siren wailing passes them, and he quickly turns away]
- Marie: Is that for you?
- Jason Bourne: Look. You drive, I pay, it's that simple.
- Marie: Scheisse. I got enough trouble, okay?
- Jason Bourne: Okay. Can I have my money back?
- [She looks down at the wad of bills again. A moment later, he is in the passenger seat while she drives]
- Conklin: Where's your field box?
- Conklin: [Louder] Where's your field box?
- Nicolette: It's right there! The system's gone haywire.
- Nicolette: [Points] That's this window right here.
- [She receives a message in her earlink]
- Nicolette: ... Dining room window? I don't get it. Dead, the phones are dead.
- [the power shuts down, the lights go off]
- Nicolette: It's Bourne, isn't it?
- Conklin: Just quiet.
- Jason Bourne: [In French] Tu sais qui je suis ? Je ne sais pas qui je suis.
- Jason Bourne: [In English] Do you know who I am? I don't know who I am.
- Jason Bourne: [in Dutch] Vertel me wie ik ben. Weet je wie ik ben? Hou dan g*dverd*mme op met dat gezeik, en zeg het me.
- Jason Bourne: [In English] Tell me who I am. Do you know who I am? Then cut the g*dd*mn b*llsh*t, and tell me.
- Jason Bourne: I don't wanna know who I am any more.
- Marie: Shh.
- Jason Bourne: I don't care. I don't wanna know.
- Marie: Come on, we'll...
- Jason Bourne: Everything I found out, I wanna forget.
- Marie: It's okay.
- Jason Bourne: I don't care who I am or what I did.
- Marie: It's okay.
- Jason Bourne: We have this money. We can hide. Could we do that? Is there any chance you can do that?
- Marie: [pause] I don't know. Come on.
- Jason Bourne: Whatever we do, we have to do it together. We have to be...
- Marie: We? The only thing we had in common was that neither one of us knew who you were! We are past that now.
- Jason Bourne: Marie! Listen to me! The police will find us, and the people who took that picture in the Embassy, the people who killed Wombosi, they are going to come here and they are gonna kill us.
- Marie: The people you work for!
- Jason Bourne: I will take you wherever you need to go. I will take you there; I will leave you there. You can do whatever you want, you never have to see me again. But not here. If we stay here, we die.
- Ward Abbott: Can you really bring him in?
- Conklin: I think we're past that, don't you? What, do you have a better idea?
- Ward Abbott: Well, so far, you've given me nothing but a trail of collateral damage from Zurich to Paris. I don't think I could do much worse.
- Conklin: Well, why don't you go upstairs and book a conference room. Maybe you can talk him to death.
- Conklin: Okay, so what do you want?
- [Bourne pushes Conklin against wall]
- Jason Bourne: Treadstone.
- Conklin: You'd better take a look around! There's not much left.
- Jason Bourne: Are you Treadstone?
- Conklin: Am I Treadstone? Me?
- Conklin: [Strikes gun away] What the h*ll are you talking about?
- Conklin: [to Nicky] He has lost it!
- Conklin: [to Bourne] You'd better start filling in the blanks here, because I thought we were on the same side.
- Jason Bourne: Whose side is that?
- Conklin: Boy, you don't know what you're doing, do you, Jason? You don't have a g*dd*mn clue!
- Marie: ... for 20 minutes or 20 years, if you know what I mean. So I went, and I took all the money I had. And I went in with friends, and we took over this really cool surf shop outside Biarritz, which was right by the water. It was amazing. It was just amazing for about three months, until it turned out that this uh, jerk, who had found us the lease was actually shining everyone on and...
- [stops]
- Jason Bourne: And what?
- Marie: What do you mean, what? Listen to me. I, I've been speed talking for about sixty kilometers now. I, I talk when I'm nervous, I mean, I, I talk like this when I'm nervous. I'm gonna shut up now.
- Jason Bourne: No, don't do that. I haven't talked to anybody in awhile.
- Marie: Yeah, but we're not talking. I'm talking. You've said like ten words since we left Zurich.
- Jason Bourne: Well, listening to you, it's relaxing. I haven't slept in a while. And, and I've got this headache. It's like a constant thing inside my head, and it's just starting to move to the background, so... Keep going. Really, if you want, please keep talking.
- Giancarlo: [Picking up an intricately done knot of rope] What's this? You tie these knots? So it starts to come back, huh?
- Jason Bourne: No, it doesn't start to come back. The knot's like everything else. I just found the rope and I did it. The same way I can, I can read, I can write. I can add, subtract. I can make coffee. I can shuffle cards. I can set up a chessboard.
- Giancarlo: Yes, yes, it will come back.
- Jason Bourne: No, it's not coming back, g*dd*mn it! That's the point! I'm down here looking through this, all this sh*t for two weeks, I'm down here! It's not working. I don't even know what to look for.
- Giancarlo: You need to rest. It will come back.
- Jason Bourne: What if it doesn't come back? We get in there tomorrow. I don't even have a name.
- Conklin: Great police work, really brilliant! Why don't they just hang out a banner that says "Don't come back"! Jesus Christ. What is the French word for 'stake-out', huh?
- Ward Abbott: You said 24 hours, and he's not back.
- Conklin: No, but we've got a good idea of where he is.
- Ward Abbott: You've got a black ops agent who's off the reservation. He's trashed the American consulate. He's on the run somewhere in Europe. You don't know why. I've got to stand before an oversight committee. What am I gonna tell 'em about Treadstone?
- Conklin: You're worried about a budget meeting? We don't take care of this, we don't make it to the men's room. Now, is that clear enough for you? We will burn for this. We will both of us burn.
- Wombosi Counselor: Sir, please!
- Nykwana Wombosi: They want war? Then we will give them war! If they want to kill me, they'd better kill me the first time. They'd better kill me dead. They'd better kill me when I'm in my sleep.
- Marie: [Rhetorically] Who pays $20,000 for a ride to Paris?
- Jason Bourne: [pause] F*ck it. I can't remember anything that happened before two weeks ago.
- Marie: Lucky you.
- Jason Bourne: No, I'm serious. I don't know who I am. I don't where I'm going. None of it.
- Marie: What? Like, amnesia?
- Jason Bourne: Yes.
- Marie: Amnesia.
- Jason Bourne: Yes.
- Marie: Right.
- Ward Abbott: I was recalling a conversation we had some time ago, talking about Treadstone. I seem to remember Nykwana Wombosi's name might have come up.
- Conklin: I'm not sure what we're talking about.
- Ward Abbott: Someone tried to take him out. Tried, and failed. Was this Treadstone?
- Conklin: You're asking me a direct question?
- Ward Abbott: Yes.
- Conklin: I thought you were never gonna do that.
- Ward Abbott: What happened?
- Conklin: Well, we uh, lost communication with our man.
- Ward Abbott: This was almost two weeks ago.
- Conklin: We've been working around the clock, the whole unit. We've been sleeping down there. Believe me, we're doing everything we can.
- Ward Abbott: And you don't let me know this?
- Conklin: You've never wanted to before.
- Ward Abbott: You never made a mistake before.
- Marie: [after breaking into Eamon's home] Eamon! Surprise, it's me, Marie. Wow, uh, there's a really good reason for this.
- Eamon: Well, there bloody well better be.
- Eamon: [to kids] Hang on, hang on.
- Marie: I had no idea you would be here.
- Eamon: Well, why would I be here? It's only my bloody house, right?
- Conklin: Those are the targets. Beg, borrow, hack, tap, bypass! I don't care what you do! I want to know everything you can tell me about what's going on at those locations.
- Marie: [Knocks] Morning.
- Eamon: Chr*st, you're up early. Bless you for making coffee.
- Child: He's not there either!
- Eamon: And you looked by the car?
- Child: He's not anywhere.
- Eamon: All right. Let me get dressed.
- Jason Bourne: Who?
- Eamon: Bloody dog's gone missing.
- Jason Bourne: [to child] Does that happen a lot?
- Eamon: Oh, that mutt miss his breakfast? Not a chance. There's always something, right?
- Jason Bourne: [Tenses up] Get in the basement.
- Eamon: What?
- Jason Bourne: Get everyone in the basement right now.
- Eamon: What the h*ll are you talking about?
- Jason Bourne: We're in danger. Your family is in danger. I don't have time to explain.
- Eamon: Wait a minute. What the...
- Marie: Eamon, you should go.
- Eamon: [to Marie] What the h*ll have you done?
- Jason Bourne: It's not her. It's me. You need to get out of sight and in the basement, as quick as you can.
- Child: Daddy!
- [Hugs Eamon]
- Jason Bourne: [to Eamon] I'm sorry. Let's go.
- [Eamon rushes with children to basement]
- Nykwana Wombosi: [On video] These people have threatened my family, my babies. And so I'm telling you when the evidence is clear, you will have a nice story to read about. And, all my friends out there, you will read about yourselves. Because, if you want to play this game after I have been reasonable, I will show you.
- Marshall: That's Nykwana Wombosi, speaking in Paris the day before yesterday. He was irritation before he took power, he was a problem when he was in power, and he's been a disaster for us in exile. He's writing a book about the agency's history in Africa. He's going to name names. It's basically a shakedown. He's demanding the agency's help. He wants us to put him back in power in six months, or else. In this interview, and I'll make the tape available to anyone who wants it, he goes on to claim that he's just survived an assassination attempt. He says it's us. He says he's got proof. The director wants to know if there's any possible shred of truth in this accusation. I've already assured him there's nobody that reckless on my senior staff.
- Nykwana Wombosi: [At morgue while examining John Michael Kane's body] It's not him.
- Nykwana Wombosi: [In Yoruba] It's like I said. Your thinking is wrong.
- Wombosi Counselor: [In French] Let's go.
- Zurich Cop: [In High German] Hey, can't you read the signs? So, stand up. Come on, up now.
- Zurich Cop: The park is closed, and you can't sleep here.
- Jason Bourne: [In English] All right.
- Zurich Cop: [In German] Show me an ID.
- Jason Bourne: [In English] No, I don't...
- Zurich Cop: Your papers.
- Jason Bourne: [In English] I don't have any papers. I lost...
- Jason Bourne: [In German] My papers, I lost them.
- Zurich Cop: [after a pause] Exactly. Stand up.
- Jason Bourne: I want to sleep.
- Zurich Cop: [Pulls out baton] Let's go, go.
- [Bourne instinctively grabs baton]
- Zurich Cop: Hey! On your feet. Up!
- [Bourne immediately knocks both officers out]