Tim Dutton credited as playing...
- Marie: [after breaking into Eamon's home] Eamon! Surprise, it's me, Marie. Wow, uh, there's a really good reason for this.
- Eamon: Well, there bloody well better be.
- Eamon: [to kids] Hang on, hang on.
- Marie: I had no idea you would be here.
- Eamon: Well, why would I be here? It's only my bloody house, right?
- Marie: [Knocks] Morning.
- Eamon: Chr*st, you're up early. Bless you for making coffee.
- Child: He's not there either!
- Eamon: And you looked by the car?
- Child: He's not anywhere.
- Eamon: All right. Let me get dressed.
- Jason Bourne: Who?
- Eamon: Bloody dog's gone missing.
- Jason Bourne: [to child] Does that happen a lot?
- Eamon: Oh, that mutt miss his breakfast? Not a chance. There's always something, right?
- Jason Bourne: [Tenses up] Get in the basement.
- Eamon: What?
- Jason Bourne: Get everyone in the basement right now.
- Eamon: What the h*ll are you talking about?
- Jason Bourne: We're in danger. Your family is in danger. I don't have time to explain.
- Eamon: Wait a minute. What the...
- Marie: Eamon, you should go.
- Eamon: [to Marie] What the h*ll have you done?
- Jason Bourne: It's not her. It's me. You need to get out of sight and in the basement, as quick as you can.
- Child: Daddy!
- [Hugs Eamon]
- Jason Bourne: [to Eamon] I'm sorry. Let's go.
- [Eamon rushes with children to basement]