Sabrina Grdevich credited as playing...
- Professor Hobby: Tell me. What is love?
- Sheila: Love is first widening my eyes a little bit and quickening my breathing a little and warming my skin and touching with my...
- Professor Hobby: And so on. Exactly so. Thank you, Sheila.
- [the group claps]
- Professor Hobby: But I wasn't referring to sensuality stimulators. The word that I used was 'love.' Love like the love of a child for it's parents. I propose that we build - a robot child who can love. A robot child who will genuinely love the parent, or parents it imprints on with a love that will never end.
- Sheila: A child-substitute Mecha?
- Professor Hobby: But a Mecha with a mind, with neuronal feedback. You see, what I'm suggesting is that love will be the key by which they acquire a kind of subconscious never before achieved. An inner world of metaphor, of intuition, of self-motivated reasoning, of dreams.
- [Professor Hobby stabs the Mecha, Secretary Sheila's hand in a demonstration, asking her what she feels]
- Professor Hobby: How did that make you feel? Angry? Shocked?
- Secretary: I don't understand.
- Professor Hobby: What did I do to your feelings?
- Secretary: [Secretary Sheila holds up her hand] You did it to my hand.