When Nino visits Amélie in the cafe, "Menu du Jour" disappears and reappears on the glass between shots.
After Nino witnesses Amélie putting his album back into his scooter at the park with the Monmarte carousel he runs down some stairs and bumps into a couple. The scene cuts to Nino running down a different set of stairs with no couple behind him. Immediately after there is another shot of Nino running down stairs with the same surprised couple he ran into moments earlier behind him.
When Nino is in the cafe, and Amélie writes on the glass, the "d" in "du" changes several times.
The flour disappears from Amélie's sleeve after Nino rings her doorbell.
After Amélie helps the blind man to the Metro station, she is grating cheese onto a pile of pasta. When the shot returns to the pasta, it's flat in the bowl and the cheese grater has moved 90 degrees.
When Nino is in school as a kid, the board shows "vendredi 7 avril 1980." April 7th was a Monday ("lundi") in 1980, not Friday.
Just before Amelie discovers the hole in the bathroom wall the voiceover tells that Princess Diana died on 30 August 1997. In fact, the accident occurred just after midnight on the 31st. However the full voiceover says that she died at the end of the night of the 30th, i.e. the small hours of the 31st.
Some passers-by in the park stare at the camera and crew. One little girl even waves at the camera.
The first time Joseph is talking to Georgette at her cigarette stand, parts of her dress are blue, and other parts are color-corrected to that sepia effect applied to most of the rest of the scene.
The painter that Lucien delivers groceries to has no paint on his brushes, and is only going through the motions. What is more, the "paintings" are merely copies of completed works.
When Amelie is in the park on the phone with Nino, she tells him to look at 'Page 51,' but the subtitle reads 'Page St.' This was corrected for the Netflix version, though it says 'Page 62' instead of '51.'
When Amelie is first seen throwing stones when standing on a canal lock, the direction of the skipping stone is different from the one her arm is going (stones and rippling effects were digitally added in post-production).
Several of the English subtitles do not correspond exactly to their French sentences, such as the homographs being taught by Amelie's mother, Madame Wallace's name, or Lucien's outburst of Collignon rhymes. This was done intentionally for artistic reasons to better clarify themes within the movie or to make the dialogue more relatable to audiences unfamiliar with French culture.
New VW Beetles are in the streets of Paris in 1997, even though the car was not widely available in France until the summer of 1998. The filmmakers knew this - Jean-Pierre Jeunet thought the car reflected the "sweet and amusing personality of Amélie."
The treasure box Amélie finds in her bathroom contains a "Mini Quartett," a children's card game produced in Germany in the 1970s. Mr. Bretodeau could not have collected this in the 1950s.
In a few scenes is visible a four-door red color Fiat Punto II. This models were launched by the end of 1999. Wouldn't be possible to observe such a vehicle in the streets of Paris in 1997.
When Amélie talks to Georgette about Joseph, she says, "He always sits here, right?"(Il s'assied toujours là, d'accord?) Georgette responds "Ben, oui." (Basically, "um, yeah.") The English subtitle "at number 8" (huit) is incorrect.
(English subtitled version) Throughout the film, Madame Wallace's name is spelled "Wells" in the subtitles.
The English subtitles use two different words for translating "congénital" ("post-coital" and "congenital"), therefore ruining Gina's comeback.
In the English subtitles, the word "c***erie" was translated as "bulls***", while its meaning in Gina's sentence was nearer to "stupidity" rather than "bulls***".
A camera and a cameraman are clearly visible in a reflection from the shiny plastic facade of the photo booth in the train station.
The camera and a crewmember's legs can be seen in Amélie's sunglasses, just before she looks at the camera in the park.
When Amélie sits down on some stairs and looks into the Nino's photo-book for the first time, the camera's shadow is visible over her.
When Amélie is shown sleeping with the gnome in the photo booth at the train station, the shadow of the camera is clearly visible.
When Amelie hears the blind musician in the metro, she just left a metro train and enters a tunnel for a different platform, so it must be a transfer station.
When she enters the platform, we find out it is (depicted to be) Abbesses station in Montmartre, which is not a transfer station.
Additionally, Abbesses station only has one point of entry on each platform so it is not possible to walk from enter from one end of the platform and exit on the other.
These scenes were shot at Porte des Lilas station where a disused platform is regularly being used for filming purposes.
Amelie tells Nino to look page 51 of his photograph book but the pages are not numbered and he does not count them.
On the flyer advertising the loss of his album, Nino states he lost it near Gare du Nord. Although this station and Gare de l'Est are very close to each other, Nino lost the album rather next to Gare de l'Est.
When Amélie guides the blind man through the streets, she tells about some cheese : "Cabécou du Poitou", this cheese doesn't exist : it is either "Chabichou du Poitou" or "Cabécou" ("du Périgord", among others)