220 of 250 found this to have none
Only sexual refrences made, nothing shown.
A man is seen with his shirt off in a scene, but nothing severe.
A brief, comedic reference to an orgy.
161 of 210 found this mild
A few people tell stories about people being killed.
We see what looks like bloody body parts (teeth, hair) wrapped in a shirt.
A dead mouse is found.
194 of 247 found this severe
"Hell" is said twice
"Shit" is said 38 times.
"Damn" is said once and "goddamn" is said twice.
"Ass" is said 9 times.
"Piss" is said once.
Pervasive usage of "Fuck", 154 uses. The word is used either spoken clearly or screamed out.
164 of 196 found this mild
Two people drink scotch from the bottle while talking.
Hey man asks his group if anyone has any cigarettes, but they tell him no one has any.
A man and a woman talk about how they want wine and cigarettes.
A few people briefly shown smoking.
There is discussion of drinking wine.
One character briefly asks 'do we have any weed?' then the scene cuts
151 of 226 found this severe
The apology scene is pretty upsetting.
The protagonists are visibly terrified and even manic at times. Lots of screaming and sobbing.
The film begins fairly unremarkably but then builds a sustained and intense sense of threat. Not for sensitive viewers.
An extremely emotionally intense film for the characters.
Moderate to strong horror but there are no jump scares throughout. Very strong peril and frightening scenes throughout the last 20 minutes of the film. Although the whole movie is unsettling. The end of this movie is one of the scariest movie endings of all time only if you pay attention during the whole film.
There are frightening noises in the night, and the "force" leaves objects outside the main characters' tent overnight.
Strange stick figures appear in the trees. They look like human beings after they're hung.
The main characters are awoken in the middle of night to voices outside, and their tent is violently pounded on. They are chased into the woods by an unknown person or persons.
The faux documentary presentation enhances the unsettling atmosphere, even though there is little to no gore in the movie.