75 of 129 found this mild
A woman cyborg is shown naked from the back. Her buttocks is seen as she walks towards a car. Her hair is covering most of her breasts. When she gets to the car her face is shown.
The Terminator walks into a ladies night strip bar fully nude, all we see are buttocks, however the women in the bar aggressively ogle him and hoot. He interacts with the male stripper on stage. The scene lasts a few minutes.
After getting pulled over by a police officer, the Terminstrix sees a Victoria's Secret billboard and expands her breasts to a larger size.
47 of 88 found this moderate
The film contains some strong bloody violence.
The TX squeezes John's ankle. He screams in pain and limps for the rest of the movie.
R violence type: blood and graphic.
Strong violence.
T-X drives up to the ordering window of a drive-thru restaurant; she pulls out a gun and begins firing it. The camera cuts away to a very long shot. Basically we just hear the gunshots - we never see the corpse or the impact or anything; all of this is offscreen.
A man opens a door and finds T-X; she pushes him to the ground and shoots him repeatedly offscreen.
A man crushes another man's hand (no blood, not graphic at all).
In one scene, many people are slaughtered by robots. Not very much blood is seen.
A woman is shot; she falls to the floor, with a wound in her chest. T-X walks over to her, and touches the wound.
38 of 85 found this moderate
3 uses of fuck, 8 uses of shit, 3 uses of hell, 2 uses of bitch, 1 use of son of a bitch, 3 uses of asshole, 2 uses of ass, 1 use of damn, 6 uses of goddamn, 1 use of bastard, 3 uses of Jesus, 1 use of Christ, 1 use of dick.
48 of 65 found this mild
Teenagers are having a party, drinking some light alcohol. A boy says he hears his parents and tells everyone to hide the alcohol.
36 of 73 found this moderate
The third film (in terms of violence and intensity) is more mildly tamer than the first two making the violence come off as exciting rather than scary.
Mild/Moderate for neurodivergent viewers.
There is non stop action violence throughout.