Claire Danes credited as playing...
Kate Brewster
- Terminator: [39:02] Katherine Brewster? Have you sustained injury?
- Kate Brewster: Drop dead, you asshole!
- Terminator: I am unable to comply.
- Terminator: It was Katherine Brewster who reprogrammed me and sent me back through the time displacement field.
- John Connor: Why didn't I send you back?
- Terminator: I'm not authorized to answer your questions.
- Kate Brewster: Why didn't he send you back?
- Terminator: He was dead.
- John Connor: Oh, well that sucks.
- Kate Brewster: John, what is he saying?
- John Connor: Judgment Day. The end of the world. It's today, three hours from now.
- Terminator: Two hours and fifty-three minutes.
- Terminator: Where's John Connor?
- Kate Brewster: If I tell you, do you promise to let me go?
- Terminator: Yes.
- Kate Brewster: He's, he's in the kennel. In a cage.
- [the Terminator goes to close the trunk]
- Kate Brewster: Hey. You said you'd let me go.
- Terminator: I lied.
- [the Terminator tosses his damaged power cell out the car window. The cell then explodes in a small mushroom cloud]
- Terminator: When ruptured, the fuel cells become unstable. Relax.
- Kate Brewster: [screaming from the back] Help! Let me out!
- Terminator: [firmly, to Kate] Relax!
- [the Terminator leads John and Kate into a mausoleum, where Sarah's coffin is. The Terminator opens the coffin. John stares in shock: the coffin is full with weapons]
- Terminator: Sarah Connor was cremated in Mexico. Her friends scattered her ashes in the sea. They stored these weapons in accordance with her will.
- [John sits down]
- Kate Brewster: What happened to her?
- John Connor: [quietly] Leukemia.
- Kate Brewster: I'm sorry.
- John Connor: We were living in Baja when she was diagnosed. They only gave her six months. But she fought for three years. Long enough to make sure.
- Kate Brewster: To make sure?
- John Connor: That the world didn't end.
- [John sighs and closes his eyes]
- John Connor: "Every day after this one is a gift" she told me "We made it. We're free." But I never really believed that. I guess she didn't either.
- [Kate has just destroyed a Mini Hunter-Killer with an AK-47]
- Kate Brewster: What?
- John Connor: Nothing... you remind me of my mother.
- Kate Brewster: What exactly am I in this future of yours?
- Terminator: You're John Connor's spouse and second-in-command.
- Kate Brewster: [Shaking her head, clearly not pleased to hear that] No, I...
- [looks at John]
- John Connor: What?
- Kate Brewster: [to John] You're a mess.
- John Connor: Hey, you're not exactly my type, either.
- Kate Brewster: So what's his story?
- John Connor: He's a robot from the future. Living tissue over a metal skeleton. He means you no harm.
- Kate Brewster: That's the cops. You have to pull over.
- John Connor: [sarcastically] Yeah, first chance I get.
- Dr. Peter Silberman: You're safe now, they can't hurt you. Kate, my name is Doctor Silberman. I'm a post trauma counselor for the Sheriff's Department. How are you feeling?
- Kate Brewster: He's not human... he's really, not human.
- Dr. Peter Silberman: I know what it's like to be in a hostage situation, I've been there myself. The fear, the adrenaline, you find yourself imagining things, impossible things, crazy things, insane things... takes years to get over it.
- Angry Man: [John Connor just rear-ended him] Son of a bitch. Goddamit. Look what you did to my car. This is my company car, asshole.
- [John tries to start his car]
- Angry Man: Get your ass out here. Get your ass out of the car now.
- [John still trying to start the car]
- Angry Man: What are you doing? If you don't have insurance, I'm gonna rip your balls off.
- John Connor: Hey, listen. I don't want any problems, all right?
- Angry Man: Shut up!
- Kate Brewster: Help. I'm being kidnapped.
- Angry Man: What's going on here? Who's back there?
- John Connor: I...
- Angry Man: Shut up.
- [Remotely controlled police cars and ambulances approaching]
- Angry Man: Well, I be goddamned. There's cops when you need them.
- [John resumes to starting his car]
- Kate Brewster: Let me out of here.
- [Car finally starts and John was able to drive away]
- Angry Man: Get back here, asshole!
- Kate Brewster: How much did you take?
- John Connor: Enough.
- Kate Brewster: Well, this is the stuff we use to chemically neuter dogs. Take a look.
- Kate Brewster: You're bound to run into Scott at the wedding.
- Robert Brewster: Please, I'm still in a state of denial over that.
- Kate Brewster: You're not the only one.