14 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 75San Francisco ChronicleMick LaSalleSan Francisco ChronicleMick LaSalleHas a shameless B-movie exuberance.
- 33Entertainment WeeklyOwen GleibermanEntertainment WeeklyOwen GleibermanJean-Claude Van Damme's latest dud.
- 30TNT RoughCutTNT RoughCutThis testosterone-fest even features a battle inside a strip bar replete with topless women. Talk about your guilty pleasures.
- 30VarietyJoe LeydonVarietyJoe LeydonLightning fails to strike twice -- an underwhelming follow-up to one of the career-stalled action star's better efforts.
- 25Boston GlobeBoston GlobeDevoid of personality and has an annoying gratuitous sentimental streak.
- 20Film.comTom KeoghFilm.comTom KeoghCustom-made for an audience of mouth-breathers.
- 10Film.comSean MeansFilm.comSean MeansSlow-moving and violent mess...feels slow even at a scant 82 minutes...Even by the slack standards of Van Damme's oeuvre, "The Return" is a letdown.
- 10L.A. WeeklyPaul MalcolmL.A. WeeklyPaul MalcolmA mind-numbing exercise in high body counts and big tits.
- 0Austin ChronicleAustin ChronicleLame, mindless dialogue makes Wing Commander seem Cukoresque by comparison.