Happy, Texas (1999)
Jeremy Northam: Harry
Sheriff Chappy Dent : I guess like, like everybody I'm scared of bein', you know, rejected.
Harry Sawyer : There's no way, man. You're a real catch, you're a man's man, a nice guy. You've got your health. And everybody knows what a turn-on that uniform is.
Wayne Wayne Wayne Jr. : Why did the armadillo cross the road?
Harry Sawyer : Why?
Wayne Wayne Wayne Jr. : [Holds up dead armadillo] It didn't. Look, see?
Wayne Wayne Wayne Jr. : Hey, maybe we are tailors. We travel from town to town, tailoring dresses, for circus midgets.
Harry Sawyer : Traveling midget tailors?
Wayne Wayne Wayne Jr. : Yeah, ya think?
Harry Sawyer : No.
Harry Sawyer : So we're gay. How hard can that be?
Wayne Wayne Wayne Jr. : It might not be hard for you, Rock Hudson, but I have got heterosex...
Harry Sawyer : What?
Wayne Wayne Wayne Jr. : 'Not gay' written all over me.
Josephine McClintock : The last man in that safe who didn't work here, my Daddy shot in his tracks.
Harry Sawyer : I understand that's the most painful place to be shot in.
Josephine McClintock : I guess I should be flattered by your stalking.
Harry Sawyer : There's such a fine line between... stalking and, and being attentive, and I was - I don't know - going for being attentive.
[to Josephine through the prison fence]
Harry Sawyer : Don't make me come after you, they'll shoot me!
Josephine McClintock : [while climbing out of the cab while towing the RV] What are you DOING?
Harry Sawyer : [while climbing out of the RV onto the towline] I'm trying to save you!
Josephine McClintock : Well, knock it off! I'm trying to save YOU!