29 of 76 found this moderate
2 sex scenes.
An extended scene of breasts.
A man starts having sex with a woman which becomes a violent rape.
Several scenes of characters lying together. No nudity.
20 of 30 found this moderate
A man is shot several times, including in the throat. Blood sprays.
A man slaps a woman in the face. We see blood running down her mouth.
18 of 32 found this mild
A couple use of "asshole", once "motherfucker"...
Multiple uses of "Fuck".
25 of 31 found this moderate
A man take overdose of pills and dies a moment later.
Many youngsters seen drinking and smoking.
A young woman is seen taking a handful of pills.
A man is seen drunk and passing out.
21 of 34 found this moderate
A woman is choked to death by a man.
A woman deliberately crashes her car.