David Bowers credited as playing...
Mas Amedda
- [Shock Troopers are on a Repulsorpod in the Senate Room]
- Clone Commander Thire: [referring to Yoda] There's no sign of his body, sir.
- Mas Amedda: Then he is not dead!
- Darth Sidious: [venomously] Double your search!
- Clone Commander Thire: Yes, sir! Right away, sir!
- [the troopers exit]
- Darth Sidious: [to Mass Amedda] Tell Captain Kagi to prepare my shuttle for immediate takeoff.
- Mas Amedda: Yes, Master.
- Darth Sidious: I sense Lord Vader is in danger.
- Captain Colton: We're receiving a message from the Chancellor's office, sir.
- Senator Bail Organa: Send it through.
- Captain Colton: Yes, sir.
- [the pilot pushes some buttons and Mas Amedda appears on screen]
- Mas Amedda: Senator Organa... the Supreme Chancellor requests your presence at a special session of Congress.
- Senator Bail Organa: I will be there.
- Mas Amedda: He'll be expecting you.
- [Mas Amedda's image disappears and Bail turns to Yoda and Obi-Wan]
- Senator Bail Organa: Could be a trap.
- Obi-Wan Kenobi: I don't think so. The Chancellor will not be able to control the thousands of star systems without keeping the Senate intact.
- Yoda: If a special session of Congress, there is, easier for us to enter the Jedi Temple, it will be.