Julia Sawalha credited as playing...
- Ginger: But you're supposed to be up there. You're the pilot.
- Fowler: Oh, don't be ridiculous. I can't fly this contraption.
- Ginger: Back in your day -- the Royal Air Force...
- Fowler: 6-4-4 Squadron, poultry division. We were the mascots.
- Ginger: You mean you never actually flew the plane?
- Fowler: Good heavens, no. I'm a chicken. The Royal Air Force doesn't let chickens behind the controls of a complex aircraft.
- Ginger: I should turn you in right now.
- Rocky: You wouldn't! Would you?
- Ginger: Give me one reason why I shouldn't.
- Rocky: Because I'm... cute?
- [Ginger squawks to attract the farmer's attention]
- Rocky: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Wwhat kind of crazy chick are you? Do you know what'll happen if he finds me?
- Ginger: [quoting him] It's a cruel world.
- Rocky: I just decided, I don't like you.
- Ginger: I just decided, I don't care.
- Rocky: Wait a minute. Let me get this straight. You wanna get every chicken in this place out of here *at the same time*?
- Ginger: Of course.
- Rocky: You're certifiable! You can't pull off a stunt like that; that's suicide.
- Ginger: Where there's a will, there's a way.
- Rocky: Couldn't agree more. And I *will* be leaving *that* way.
- Rocky: [apparently training the chickens] And left, two, three, and right, two, three and... stop right there.
- [chickens stop leaning to the side, confused]
- Rocky: Oh, yeah. Down.
- [chickens stoop]
- Rocky: All right, now: make little circles.
- [chickens start to spin]
- Rocky: That's it, faster, faster... yeah, that hits the spot...
- Ginger: [Ginger looks up only to see Rocky sighing in contentment getting massaged; she walks over and clears throat; other chickens wander away, embarrassed] I thought you were going to teach us how to fly.
- Rocky: That's what I'm doing.
- Ginger: Isn't there usually some flapping involved?
- Rocky: Hey. Do I tell you how to lay eggs? Relax. We're making progress!
- Ginger: Really? I can't help feeling we're going around in circles.
- [motions to the spinning chickens behind her]
- Rocky: What the - ? Hey! Cut it out! You're making *me* dizzy!
- [chickens stop and start stumbling dizzily]
- Rocky: I think they're ready to fly now.
- Ginger: Good. Because they certainly can't *walk* anymore.
- Ginger: Um, I just wanted to say, I may have been a bit harsh at first. Well, what I really mean is: thank you, for saving my life. For saving *our* lives. You know, I come up here every night and look out to that hill, and imagine what it must be like on the other side. It's funny, I've - I've never actually felt grass beneath my feet. I'm sorry. Here I am rambling on about hills and grass, and you had something you wanted to say.
- Rocky: Uh, y-yeah. Um, it's just that, you know... life, as I've experienced it - you know, out there lone free rangin' and stuff - it's, uh... it's full of dissapointment, and, uh...
- Ginger: What, you mean grass isn't all it's cracked up to be?
- Rocky: Grass! Exactly, grass. It's always greener on the other side. And then you get there, and it's brown and prickly. You see what I'm trying to say?
- [Ginger starts nodding but then shakes her head]
- Rocky: What I'm trying to say is... you're welcome.
- Ginger: You know, that hill is looking closer tonight than it ever has before.
- [Ginger accidentally touches Rocky's hand and they both pull away, embarrased]
- Ginger: Well, good night... Rocky.
- Rocky: Good night... Ginger.