Laura Linney credited as playing...
Meryl Burbank • Hannah Gill
- [Truman attempts to leave his town and a convoy of cars pulls in front of him to block his exit]
- Truman Burbank: Blocked at every turn. Beautifully synchronized, don't you agree?
- Meryl: You're blaming me for the traffic?
- Truman Burbank: Should I?
- Meryl: Truman, let's go home.
- Truman Burbank: You're right. We could be stuck here for hours. It could be like this all the way to Atlantic City. Let's go back. I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me.
- Meryl: Truman, can you slow down?
- Truman Burbank: Yes, I can.
- Meryl: Truman. Truman, that's our turnoff.
- Truman Burbank: I changed my mind. What's New Orleans like this time of year? Mardi Gras, woooooo! Ha ha ha ha ha! Hoo hoo hoo! Whoooohoo! Look, Meryl! Same road, no cars. It's magic! Hahaha!
- Meryl: You let me out, Truman. You're not right in the head. You want to destroy yourself you do it on your own.
- Truman Burbank: I think I'd like a little company.
- [Meryl panics when Truman confronts her about the conspiracy around him, the situation is diffused by an impromptu appearance from Marlon. Crying, Meryl runs into his arms]
- Meryl: How can anyone expect me to carry on under these conditions? It's unprofessional!
- Meryl: [holding up a jar of cocoa, slipping into advertising mode] Why don't you let me fix you some of this Mococoa drink? All natural cocoa beans from the upper slopes of Mount Nicaragua. No artificial sweeteners.
- Truman: [looking around] What the hell are you talking about? Who are you talking to?
- Meryl: I've tasted other cocoas. This is the best.
- Truman: [He's trying to leave town in his car, with Meryl. He's gone through various obstacles including traffic jams and a forest fire. Now he's hearing a warning siren; suspiciously] What now?
- Meryl: [they're coming up to Seahaven Nuclear Power Station. Police, firemen and men in radiation suits are blocking the road] Truman, it looks like a leak at the plant.
- Policeman at Power Plant: [walking up to the car window] Back up, back up. Leak at the plant. We had to shut her down.
- Truman: Is there any way around?
- Policeman at Power Plant: [shakes head] Whole area's been evacuated.
- Meryl: Is there anything I can do?
- Policeman at Power Plant: No, ma'am.
- Truman: [sighs] Thank you for your help.
- Policeman at Power Plant: You're welcome, Truman.
- Truman: [stunned whisper] Truman?
- Truman: I figure we can scrape together $8,000...
- Meryl: Every time you and Marlon get together...
- Truman: We can bum around the world for a year on that!
- Meryl: And then what, Truman? We'd be where we were five years ago. You're talking like a teenager.
- Truman: Well, maybe I feel like a teenager.
- Meryl: We have mortgage payments, Truman.
- [He sighs]
- Meryl: We have car payments. What, we're going to just walk away from our financial obligations?
- Truman: [He stands, whirls around, bends pleadingly, his hands reaching as though to grab the world] It would be an adventure!
- Meryl: I thought we were gonna try for a baby.
- [He turns away and rubs the back of his neck]
- Meryl: Isn't that enough of an adventure?
- Truman: [Truman turns back, waves his arms dramatically] That can wait. I want to get away, see some of the world! Explore!
- Meryl: [teasing him] Honey, you wanna be an explorer.
- [She rises, goes to him, strokes his cheek]
- Meryl: This'll pass. We all think like this now and then.
- [Truman and Meryl continue to drive away from Seahaven; Meryl spots a "Danger: Fire Hazard" sign]
- Meryl: What about that sign?
- Truman Burbank: I'm sure they're exaggerating. We'll be fine.
- [Out of nowhere, a massive of fire erupts in the middle of the road]
- Meryl: [panicked] What bout that there? Would you believe that?
- [Truman and Meryl drive through the fire, and aside from a lot of smoke pouring in, they are fine]
- Meryl: Oh. Oh boy. Truman, we're on fire!
- Truman Burbank: It's okay!
- Meryl: We're on fire!
- Truman Burbank: It's okay! It's just smoke! Just smoke. You okay?
- Meryl: [terrified] YES!
- Truman Burbank: [crazed] WANNA DO IT AGAIN?
- Meryl: [still terrified] NO!
- Hannah Gill: For me, there is no difference between a private life and a public life. My life, is my life, is The Truman Show.