Carel Struycken credited as playing...
- MiB Official: Purpose of trip?
- Arquillian: Diplomatic Mission.
- MiB Official: Duration of Stay?
- Arquillian: Lunch.
- MiB Official: Any fruits or vegetables?
- [holds an alien in his handbag]
- Gentle Rosenburg the Arquillian Jeweler: [in alien language] Sorry I'm late. The cab drivers on this planet are terrible.
- Arquillian: You Majesty, you are in grave danger.
- Gentle Rosenburg the Arquillian Jeweler: Yeah, and they overcharge you every time.
- Arquillian: Sir, a bug landed here. We must get you off the planet.
- Gentle Rosenburg the Arquillian Jeweler: A bug? He must know why I'm here.
- Arquillian: We think he does.
- Arquillian: [looks at the thing on the table] Is that what I think it is?
- Gentle Rosenburg the Arquillian Jeweler: No, just some diamonds for your children. Do we have time to eat?
- Arquillian: Sure. I ordered you some Pirogi.
- Gentle Rosenburg the Arquillian Jeweler: [smiles] Ah!
- Arquillian: To the continued reign of the Arquillian Empire.
- Gentle Rosenburg the Arquillian Jeweler: To the safety of the Galaxy.
- [both drinking a cup of soda, but Edgar appears with serving two Pirogi flavings when a bug was ontop of it]
- Gentle Rosenburg the Arquillian Jeweler: [looks up at him] You can kill us both, but you will not find the Galaxy.
- Edgar: Oh. You're right about one thing.
- [he pokes on Gentle Rosenburg's neck and pokes at the Arquillian's neck, then steals a thing, throws on a table a cat jumps in then hisses then scares him then walks away]
- Dishwasher: You're not going anywhere, pal.
- [pushes him and fells off]