Ted Levine credited as playing...
- Detective Casals: [walking around a metal container storage lot in the Los Angeles Harbor with Vincent, Drucker, Bosko, and Schwartz, recreating where Neil was walking and looking at with Michael and Chris] they were looking back in this direction, a container facility? what cartage theft? Too visible, too "low ball" for them.
- Bosko: next door is a oil refinery, over there is scrap yard
- Schwartz: oil refinery, pays only by check, no cash around, same for the scrap yard.
- Vincent Hanna: [sarcastically] maybe they're stealing hub caps
- Vincent Hanna: [looking in all directions] a oil refinery and a scrap yard, what the hell is going on?
- Bosko: that's what we're trying to figure out, we thought we had them
- Vincent Hanna: [Examing the armored car robbery's crime scene] Find the ambulance?
- Bosko: They dumped it four blocks from here they torched it guns, clothes everything.
- Bosko: [Referring to news reporters] They were airborne they taped the last few seconds of the black and whites to a demolition derby
- [Vincent points to the tow truck]
- Bosko: It was stolen out of Fresno two weeks ago a yellow pick up truck out of Witter the day before yesterday we got three motorists all they saw was men with masks, console TV man he was closer.
- Vincent Hanna: did he ID anybody?
- Bosko: he was hiding he heard most of it.
- Vincent Hanna: [Looking at the dead armor car guards] What about them?
- Bosko: According to TV man this guy started mouthing off some body called the guard "slick", this guy here has got what it appears to be a double tapped entry wound to the sternum entry wounds to the head means close range probably executed and it was a million six in bearer bonds ignored the loose cash.
- Vincent Hanna: Because they had no time because they were on the clock which means they knew our response time to a two eleven had our hair mobilized it enter escape in under three minutes its a good spot here they got good escape routes two freeways within a quarter of a mile.
- Detective Casals: traffic video camera?
- Vincent Hanna: Probably disabled check it anyway
- [Referring to the explosives used on the armor car door]
- Vincent Hanna: The shape charge indicates they are technically proficient, proficient enough to go in on the prowl
- [to Drucker]
- Vincent Hanna: Lets start looking at recent highline burglaries that are mystified
- [to Casals]
- Vincent Hanna: Run "slick as" an alias through the FBI. It's gonna be the phone book but do it anyway.
- [to Drucker]
- Vincent Hanna: Who's moving the bearer bonds? Check the usual fences you and I will check Cusamano and Torina.
- [to Schwartz]
- Vincent Hanna: I want you to take Goldstein and Al Farrell.
- [to Bosko]
- Vincent Hanna: Hang in forensics from the bomb squad I want the explosive if we're lucky its exotic and we can trace the sale
- Bosko: I knew this guy in grade school, his name was Raoul or whatever, anyway the guy could take his fingers and fold them one over the others then he'd turn his eyelids inside out.
- Bosko: I figure this guy went for that hold out piece, ankle holster right from here. Bang, bang, bang-bang-bang.
- Vincent Hanna: [Vincent sees her sitting alone at a bus stop, Bosko pulls a U-turn and stops up next to her] hey sweety, what happened? Did you forget your mom was picking you up?
- Lauren Gustafson: [shakes her head] no
- Vincent Hanna: so what's going on?
- Lauren Gustafson: I felt like being alone
- Vincent Hanna: ok, get in, i'll drive you home
- Lauren Gustafson: hey Mike
- Bosko: [from the driver's seat] Hi Lauren
- Bosko: [On the police band to all units nearby police units, referring to setting up road blocks to block Neil's getaway car's escape routes after the bank robbery] I want a block at Figueroa and 5th St., I want a block at north bound Flower St. at 6th St.
- Detective Casals: [over the phone, reading Cheritto's criminal history] thirty-three busts since 1976, eleven for armed robbery, three convictions, two out of a three to five-year beef in Attica, three years in Marion, five years in Folsom, often knocked back for involuntary manslaughter, jacket's two inches thick
- Vincent Hanna: ok who do I have there now?
- Bosko: Drucker and me boss and Schwartz
- [Hanna and Drucker both enter Hanna's Office]
- Lt. Vincent Hanna: [Hanna glances at file] Forensics on the explosive, Mike?
- Bosko: [Casals and Schwartz joins them. The three sit on desks. Casals is sitting at his desk. Schwartz stands bye] Not yet, boss.
- Casals: I've been through hours of tape. Nothing.
- Schwartz: We busted out with Goldstein and Alfaro.
- [Casals mods]
- Lt. Vincent Hanna: Then this was fenced either higherline than we're tapped into or by out-of-towners.
- [beat]
- Lt. Vincent Hanna: Get lists from the SEC of indicted stockbrokers, etc., and defrocked lawyers from the California Bar.
- [beat]
- Lt. Vincent Hanna: Call me if anything breaks, Casals.
- [Casals nods. Hanna leaves]