Mykelti Williamson credited as playing...
- Jesse: What's going on you guys?
- Annie: Well, um, Dwight has just told us that they found you're mom in New York City and um... I'm afraid she's passed away.
- [the unexpected news stuns Jesse with shock and confusion]
- Jesse: She died?
- Dwight: I'm really sorry.
- Jesse: [upset] I should have tried to find her.
- Dwight: Well, she didn't want to be found, son.
- Glen: There's nothing you could've done.
- Dwight: Your mom still needs your help Jesse because she left somebody behind. You have a brother.
- Jesse: What?
- Dwight: He's a half-brother actually. He's eight years old.
- Annie: [places her hand on Jesse] Jess...
- Jesse: [shrugs off Annie and leaves the house] Don't touch me. Just-Just leave me alone. I don't want a brother you guys. I want my mom.
- Dwight: Glen, Annie, I like for you to meet Elvis. Elvis, these are the Greenwoods.
- Annie: Hi, Elvis.
- Elvis: Well, aren't you guys rich?
- Dwight: Elvis.
- Elvis: That's what Dwight said.
- Dwight: [to Glen and Annie] I never said that.
- Elvis: I told you I can only stay with people who are loaded.
- [Glen quietly laughs]
- Elvis: So then it's not much of an adjustment. It's easier for me.