Thu, Jun 15, 1995
Major John Skokes has been captured and imprisoned by enemy aliens. He finds he is not alone in his cell, however, but with a cadet, Bree Tristan, from the Europa base. She believes three months have gone by since her imprisonment and she has a skin graft on her arm which she believes is the aliens' attempt to transform her into one of them. Skokes believes the war is over for them and their only job now is to find away to escape. As the aliens continue their experiments on Bree, the two prisoners develop a tenderness for one another. When they realize their attempts at escape are futile, John gives her hope for the future of mankind, which she desperately wants to hear.
Thu, Jun 29, 2000
An emissary from the future struggles to convince the next U.S. President to jump from an airliner, before it crashes, killing him and setting off a disastrous future. The candidate is already torn in several directions, elated from a big primary win, avoiding an interview by an aggressive reporter, excited by having his mistress on-board, with his frigid wife absent. The time traveler assures the candidate he needs no parachute, because the advanced technology his presidency will make possible, allows them to scoop him out of the sky.
Thu, Mar 22, 2001
Colonel Beckett goes back in time to poison a physician who unintentionally spread a global pandemic. When the traveler returns to the future, nothing has changed. Though haunted by the plague death of his own family, the Colonel is ordered to an earlier time, to assassinate a young woman carrier, plus the physician.