47 of 79 found this mild
There are many frank references to homosexuality, including pervasive derogatory terms for homosexuals.
Hand gestures are used to represent the act of homosexuality between men.
(buttocks are clearly visible and genitals are shown from a distance, so they are hard to see).
38 of 43 found this to have none
33 of 49 found this moderate
9 uses of homo "Gay", "Faggot", and 2 of "Jesus".
shit is used about 5 times
Lots of mild profanity ranging from "d**n" to "s**t". Crude and often derogatory terms for homosexuals are used throughout, including but not limited to "faggot", "fairy", and "queer." There are lots of frank discussions revolving around sex (hetero and homosexual) that aren't profane, but are very blunt and sometimes explicit. "..for Christ's sake.."
31 of 43 found this mild
Some cigar smoking amongst men
Casual drinking, nothing else.
28 of 44 found this mild
There are some discussions about cruelty towards homosexuals.
The film is intended for people 13 over due to profanity and tematic.
The main character has AIDS.