Tommy Lee Jones credited as playing...
Samuel Gerard
- Dr. Richard Kimble: [Holding Gerard at gunpoint] I didn't kill my wife!
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: I don't care!
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: [briefing all the sheriffs, deputies, police officers, and law enforcement officials surrounding him] All right, listen up, ladies and gentlemen, our fugitive has been on the run for ninety minutes. Average foot speed over uneven ground, barring injuries, is 4 miles per hour. That gives us a radius of six miles. What I want from each and every one of you is a hard-target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse and doghouse in that area. Checkpoints go up at fifteen miles. Your fugitive's name is Dr. Richard Kimble. Go get him.
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: What are you doing?
- Newman: I'm thinking.
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: Well, think me up a cup of coffee and a chocolate doughnut with some of those little sprinkles on top, will you, as long as you're thinking.
- [last lines]
- Dr. Richard Kimble: I thought you didn't care?
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: I don't.
- [laughs]
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: Don't tell anybody, okay?
- Gerard's secretary: Sam, there's a guy on the phone claiming to be Richard Kimble.
- [cast cackling in background that "another" Kimble is on the phone]
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: This is Gerard.
- Dr. Richard Kimble: Do you remember what I told you in the tunnel?
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: [gesturing to his men to start tracing the call] Um yeah... It was noisy... I think you said something like you didn't kill your wife.
- Dr. Richard Kimble: Remember what you told me?
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: I remember you pointing my gun at me.
- [Gerard's team gestures him not to antagonize Kimble and make the conversation stretch]
- Dr. Richard Kimble: You said, "I don't care."
- Tracing Technician: [whispering] He's on the south side.
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: [to his team] Yeah...
- [then noticing Kimble's remark]
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: Yeah... that's right Richard... I don't care. I'm not trying to solve a puzzle here...
- Dr. Richard Kimble: Well, I am trying to solve a puzzle.
- Cosmo Renfro: Five seconds to location.
- Dr. Richard Kimble: And I just found a big piece!
- [slams down phone on desk so trace can continue]
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: Newman, we're gonna send you a bunch of cops, make sure they turn that place inside out.
- Newman: You got it Sam.
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: And don't let them give you any shit about your pony tail.
- Newman: I won't.
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: Well done young man.
- Newman: [pleased that he has been recognised by Sam] My pleasure Sam...
- Marshal Biggs: This is hinky, this guy's a college graduate, he went to medical school, he's not gonna come through all the security, go to the county lockup, to find someone his own people say does not exist. Hinky.
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: Well, what does that mean Biggs, 'hinky'?
- Marshal Biggs: I don't know. Strange.
- Marshal Henry: Weird.
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: Well, why don't you say strange or weird? I mean hinky, that has no meaning.
- Marshal Biggs: Well, we say hinky.
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: I don't want you guys using words around me that have no meaning. I'm taking the stairs and walking.
- Marshal Biggs: [sotto voice] How about 'bullshit?' How about 'bullshit', Sam?
- Head Illinois State Trooper: I don't want to tell you how to do your job...
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: [on his police radio] Put the helicopter on the bridge!
- Head Illinois State Trooper: ...but only one man in a million can survive that fall. The guy is fish food.
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: Fine. Go get a cane pole, catch the fish that ate him.
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: [Poole hands Gerard a set of unlocked leg irons, and he brandishes them in the Old Guard's face] Oh! Wow, gee whiz, looky here! You know, we're always fascinated when we find leg irons with no legs in them. Who held the keys, sir?
- Old Guard: Me.
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: Where those keys at?
- Old Guard: I don't know.
- Poole: Care to revise your statement, sir?
- Old Guard: What?
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: Do you want to change you bullshit story, sir?
- [Poole shows the Guard a picture of Kimble]
- Old Guard: ...He might have got out.
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: "He might have got out."
- Sheriff Rawlins: What the hell is this? A minute ago you're telling me he was part of the wreckage! Now he might have gotten out?
- Dr. Richard Kimble: They killed my wife.
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: I know it Richard. But it's over.
- [pauses and sighs]
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: You know I'm glad. I need the rest.
- Cosmo Renfro: [after Kimble has just lept off the dam to escape] What happened? Where'd he go?
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: The guy did a Peter Pan right off of this dam, right here.
- Cosmo Renfro: What?
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: Yeah. BOOM.
- Cosmo Renfro: [stunned] Holy shit... Can we go home now...?
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: [flustered] No...
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: [referring to Kimble, reminding them capturing Kimble is his job, under his jurisdiction, still has the authority to pursue him] That's my man!
- Det. Rosetti: Not anymore, he's not. He's going down. You don't help us, you stay the hell out!
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: [ignores him and enters the building] Arrest us.
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: [yelling throughout the empty laundry room as he looks for Richard] Dr. Richard Kimble! There's no way out of here, Richard! The entire building is locked down! Give it up Richard, you don't have any time, Chicago police department thinks you're a cop killer, they WILL shoot you on sight!
- [pauses]
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: Richard, I know you're innocent! I know about Frederick Sykes! I know about Dr. Charles Nichols! Richard, he borrowed your car the night of your wife's murder, he had your keys! No forced entry, Richard! He telephoned Sykes from your car, Richard! Richard, give it up! Richard, I'm either lying or I'm gonna shoot you, what do you think?
- [another pause, as Nichols draws down on Gerard]
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: Give it up, Richard, it's time to stop running!
- Sheriff Rawlins: Okay boys, gather around here and listen up. We're shuttin' it down, Wyatt Earp's here to mop up.
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: That's funny. "Wyatt Earp."
- Cosmo Renfro: When I die, I wanna come back just like you.
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: Oh, you mean happy and handsome?
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: Doctor Nichols, you really want to help him? You really want to be his friend? Then you'll help us bring him in, unharmed.
- Dr. Charles Nichols: Why? So he can go back to prison? Tsk, tsk, tsk. If you want help, gentlemen, you've come to the wrong man. Richard is innocent and you'll never find him. He's too smart.
- Marshal Biggs: [sarcastically] Oh well... we're pretty smart guys.
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: Yeah, what about us?
- Cosmo Renfro: Last time I looked.
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: Yeah, we're smart. We are. I mean, how smart could he be, really? Is he as smart as you are?
- Dr. Charles Nichols: [thinks and considers his answer, smiles] Smarter.
- Marshal Henry: I may be crazy but that train sounds like an el.
- Cosmo Renfro: St Louis doesn't have an elevated train.
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: How do you know it's an elevated train?
- Marshal Stevens: I think he's right, I lived under an el for 20 years.
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: Then you can explain the difference in the sound of an elevated train as opposed to a train that's running along the ground. You must have ears like a eagle, play that back, I wanna hear the sound of an elevated train.
- Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: [First lines, said when arriving at the scene of the train wreck] My, my, my. What a mess.