Steve Kahan credited as playing...
Captain Healy
- Captain Healy: Dammit, Spartan. I'm sick and tired of this "Demolition Man" shit! You're not supposed to come down here, you're not supposed to apprehend Simon Phoenix single-handedly, and you're not supposed to blow anything up!
- John Spartan: It wasn't me this time, he dumped the gas and had the placed rigged to blow.
- Captain Healy: Yeah right, and you had nothing to do with it. I know you've been trying to nail this psycho for 2 years. But try to remember a little thing like official police procedure. Now where are the hostages?
- John Spartan: They're not here.
- Captain Healy: What do mean they're not here, are you sure?
- John Spartan: Because I did a thermo check. They're only 8 people, all a part of his gang.
- Simon Phoenix: [Being arrested] Wrong again.
- John Spartan: Do you have something to say, scum bag?
- Captain Healy: [to officer apprehending Phoenix] Get him out of here.
- [to Spartan]
- Captain Healy: You and I are gonna have a nice long chat.
- Fire Fighter: [Coming in] Captain. Captain.
- Captain Healy: What.
- Fire Fighter: We've checked the building. There's bodies everywhere, there has to be about 20 or 30, they're everywhere.
- [Spartan looks in disbelief]
- Simon Phoenix: See Captain. I told him, he said he didn't care.
- [Spartan charges at Phoenix but is restrained by his fellow officers]
- Simon Phoenix: Oh shit, I can't believe that you gave up 30 hostages for little old me. We're gonna have a nice time together. See ya' sweetie. Honey! Sugar!
- Captain Healy: Hope you called your lawyer, because you're gonna need him.