Eddie Jones credited as playing...
Buddy Wallace
- Dick Gordon: Before we begin, something we need to clear up. Most firms of this kind are staffed with ex-law enforcement types, but your team, it's...
- Martin Bishop: [laughs] I know, kind of different.
- Buddy Wallace: Yes, you are.
- [opens file]
- Buddy Wallace: Darryl Roscow, also known as "Mother." Eighteen months at Denimmoore for breaking and entering.
- Martin Bishop: Yeah, he was framed. But he's got the best hands in the business.
- Buddy Wallace: [opens another file] Carl Arbogast, age 19. Caught breaking into the Oakland City School District computer to change his grades.
- Martin Bishop: I know, we're the ones who caught him.
- Buddy Wallace: [another file] Erwin Emory, also known as "Whistler."
- Martin Bishop: Yeah, yeah, I know, he had a little trouble with the phone company...
- Buddy Wallace: Sixty-two counts?
- Martin Bishop: All right, you want law enforcement? What about Donald Crease? Twenty-two year veteran of the CIA.
- Buddy Wallace: Terminated, 1987. Why was that?
- Martin Bishop: I don't know, I think maybe a personality conflict. Who are you guys?
- Dick Gordon: Relax, Marty. We have to check on these things. It's just that every member of your team has had some kind of problem in their past.
- Buddy Wallace: [opens another file] Then there's Martin Bishop...
- [after a tense silence, he tilts the folder, showing it is empty]
- Buddy Wallace: He doesn't seem to have a past.
- Buddy Wallace: Well, if it isn't Robin Hood.
- Martin Bishop: You know, I could've joined the NSA... but they found out my parents were married.