Steve Whitmire credited as playing...
Rizzo the Rat • Bean Bunny • Kermit the Frog • Beaker • Belinda Cratchit • Beetle • Lips • Pig Gentleman
- Rizzo the Rat: There are two things in this life I hate: heights, and jumping from them.
- Gonzo: Too late now. Come on, I'll catch you.
- Rizzo the Rat: God save my little broken body!
- [Jumps and falls to the ground. He looks at Gonzo]
- Gonzo: Missed.
- Rizzo the Rat: Oh wait a second... I forgot my jellybeans. Um...
- [Slides through the bars to retrieve them, and joins Gonzo back on the other side. Gonzo stares at him]
- Rizzo the Rat: What?
- Gonzo: You can fit through those bars?
- Rizzo the Rat: Yeah...
- Gonzo: You are such an idiot.
- Rizzo the Rat: Boy, that's scary stuff! Should we be worried about the kids in the audience?
- Gonzo: Nah, it's all right. This is culture!
- Kermit the Frog: If you please Mr. Scrooge, it's gotten colder, and the bookkeeping staff would like to have an extra shovel full of coal for the fire?
- Rat #1: We can't do the bookkeeping, all our pens have turned to inkcicles!
- Rat #2: Our assets are frozen!
- Ebenezer Scrooge: How would the bookkeepers like to be suddenly... UNEMPLOYED?
- Rats: HEAT WAVE!
- [singing]
- Rats: This is my island in the sun...
- Kermit the Frog: It's all right, children. Life is made up of meetings and partings. That is the way of it. I am sure that we shall never forget Tiny Tim, or this first parting that there was among us.
- Gonzo: My name is Charles Dickens.
- Rizzo the Rat: And my name is Rizzo the Rat... wait a second! You're not Charles Dickens!
- Gonzo: I am too!
- Rizzo the Rat: No! A blue furry Charles Dickens who hangs out with a rat?
- Gonzo: Absolutely!
- Rizzo the Rat: Charles Dickens was a 19th Century novelist! A genius!
- Gonzo: Oh, you are too kind!
- Rizzo the Rat: Why should I believe you?
- Gonzo: Well, because I know the story of A Christmas Carol like the back of my hand!
- Rizzo the Rat: Prove it!
- Gonzo: All right! Um, there's a little mole on my thumb, and um, a scar on my wrist from when I fell off my bike...
- Rizzo the Rat: No, no, no, don't tell us your *hand*, tell us the *story*!
- [Scrooge has met the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come]
- Rizzo the Rat: Oh, this is too scary. I don't think I wanna see any more!
- Gonzo: When you're right, you're right.
- [turning to face the audience]
- Gonzo: You're on your own, folks. We'll meet you at the finale!
- Rizzo the Rat: Yeah!
- Gonzo: Once again, I must ask you to remember that the Marleys were dead, and decaying in their graves.
- Rizzo the Rat: Yuck!
- Gonzo: [whispering] That one thing you must remember, or nothing that follows will seem wondrous.
- Rizzo the Rat: Why are you whispering?
- Gonzo: It's for dramatic emphasis.
- Ebenezer Scrooge: Let us deal with the eviction notices for tomorrow, Mr. Cratchit.
- Kermit the Frog: Uh, tomorrow's Christmas, sir.
- Ebenezer Scrooge: Very well. You may gift wrap them.
- Ebenezer Scrooge: Bob Cratchit, I've had my fill of this.
- Miss Piggy: And I have had my fill of you, Mr. Scrooge.
- Ebenezer Scrooge: And therefore, Bob Cratchit...
- Miss Piggy: And therefore, you can leave this house at once.
- Ebenezer Scrooge: And therefore, I'm about to raise your salary!
- Miss Piggy: Ooh, and I am about to raise you right off the pavement...! Pardon?
- Kermit the Frog: Pardon?
- [last lines]
- Rizzo the Rat: Nice story, Mr. Dickens.
- Gonzo: Oh, thanks. If you like this, you should read the book.
- Rizzo the Rat: Light the lamp, not the rat, light the lamp, not the rat! Put me out, put me out, put me out!
- Gonzo: Oh! My apologies! Um...
- [Suddenly spotting a barrel of water below the lamp post]
- Gonzo: Rizzo!
- Rizzo the Rat: What?
- ["Mr Dickens" pushes Rizzo so he falls into the water barrel]
- Gonzo: He was a tight-fisted hand at the grindstone, Scr...
- [noticing the smudged window of Scrooge's office]
- Gonzo: Boy, this really *is* a dirty city!
- Rizzo the Rat: Heh, you're tellin' me!
- Gonzo: Come here.
- Rizzo the Rat: Hmm?
- [Gonzo grabs Rizzo and uses him to wipe off the window pane]
- Rizzo the Rat: [sarcastic] Thank you for makin' me a part of this!
- Gonzo: [dropping Rizzo] He was a tight-fisted hand at the grindstone, Scrooge: a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, clutching, covetous old sinner.
- Rizzo the Rat: [falls down a chimney ignoring Gonzo] Hey! I'm stuck! Get me out of here!
- Gonzo: I knew you weren't suited for literature.
- Kermit the Frog: [clears throat] Um, excuse me, Mr. Scrooge, but it appears to be closing time.
- Ebenezer Scrooge: Very well. I'll see you at eight tomorrow morning.
- Rats: [whispering] Ask him, ask him.
- Kermit the Frog: Um... um, tomorrow's Christmas.
- Rats: Mm-hmm.
- Ebenezer Scrooge: 8:30, then.
- Kermit the Frog: Oh. Um, if you please, sir, half an hour off hardly seems customary for Christmas Day.
- Rats: No, no.
- Ebenezer Scrooge: How much time off *is* customary, Mr. Cratchit?
- Kermit the Frog: Uh... why, um, the, uh, whole day.
- Rats: Yeah, yeah.
- Ebenezer Scrooge: [appalled] The entire day?
- Rats: No, no. It's the frog's idea.
- Kermit the Frog: If you please, Mr. Scrooge, why open the office tomorrow? Other businesses will be closed. You'll have no one to do business *with*. Uh, it'll waste a lot of expensive coal for the fire.
- Rats: Yeah. That's *definitely* a point.
- Ebenezer Scrooge: It's a poor excuse for picking a man's pocket every December the 25th.
- [rats groan]
- Ebenezer Scrooge: But as I seem to be the only person around who knows that... take the day off.
- [rats cheer; Scrooge stands up and goes for his hat; glares at the rats]
- Ebenezer Scrooge: Will you *stop that*?
- [rats stop cheering and leave]
- Kermit the Frog: Uh... thank you, Mr. Scrooge.
- Ebenezer Scrooge: [steps outside and closes the door] Be here all the earlier the next morning.
- Gonzo: Hello! Welcome to the Muppet Christmas Carol! I am here to tell the story.
- Rizzo the Rat: And I am here for the food.
- [Gonzo and Rizzo are flying over London]
- Gonzo: [Thrilled] Hello, London!
- Rizzo the Rat: [Scared] Goodbye, lunch!
- Rizzo the Rat: Rats don't understand these things.
- Gonzo: You were never a lonely child?
- Rizzo the Rat: I had twelve hundred and seventy four brothers and sisters.
- Gonzo: Boy! Rats don't understand these things!
- Rizzo the Rat: I fell down the chimney and landed on a flaming hot goose!
- Gonzo: You have all the fun!
- Rizzo the Rat: Oh, Gonzo, speak to me! I mean, Mr. Dickens. Charlie! Are you hurt?
- Gonzo: [gets up] To say that Scrooge became startled would be untrue. Still the moment had passed, and the world was as it should be.
- Rizzo the Rat: He ain't hurt. Didn't even lose his concentration.