Morgan Freeman credited as playing...
- Azeem: Salaam, little one.
- Small Girl: Did God paint you?
- Azeem: Did God paint me?
- [laughs]
- Azeem: For certain.
- Small Girl: Why?
- Azeem: Because Allah loves wondrous variety.
- Azeem: English! English! Behold, Azeem Edin Bashir Al Bakir. I am not one of you, but I fight! I fight with Robin Hood. I fight against a tyrant who holds you under his boot! If you would be free men, then you must fight! Join us now, join Robin Hood!
- [Azeem shows Guy's approaching men with a telescope. Robin peers at it, bewildered]
- Azeem: How did your uneducated kind ever take Jerusalem?
- Robin Hood: God knows.
- [talking about how many men that are about to be ambushed]
- Robin Hood: How many?
- Azeem: 20.
- Robin Hood: 20?
- Bull: [further away] How many?
- Robin Hood: 5.
- Robin Hood: [to Azeem] He can't count anyway.
- Azeem: No man controls my destiny... especially not one who attacks downwind and stinks of garlic.
- Robin Hood: I had to try.
- Azeem: *I* would have succeeded.
- [after escaping from the Turks' dungeon]
- Azeem: Why did you cut me free, Christian?
- Robin Hood: Whatever blood is in your veins, no man deserves to die in there.
- Robin Hood: What do you know of women?
- Azeem: Where I come from, Christian, there are women of such beauty, that they can possess a man's mind so that he would be willing to die for them.
- Robin Hood: Wait a minute. Is that why you were to be executed? Because of a woman?
- [laughs]
- Robin Hood: That's it, isn't it? That's it!
- Azeem: It is close to sunset.
- Robin Hood: You painted old hound, who was she? The mullah's daughter? Another man's wife? What's her name?
- Azeem: Is there no sun in this cursed country? Which way is East?
- Robin Hood: Her name.
- Azeem: East!
- Robin Hood: Her name.
- Azeem: Jasmina.
- Robin Hood: [points] That way.
- [the outlaws are passing a jug of mead around a circle; Hal finishes, then starts to pass the bottle past Azeem]
- Robin Hood: Has English hospitality changed so much that a friend of mine's not welcome?
- Hal: But he's a savage, sire.
- Robin Hood: That he is... but no more than you or I. And don't call me sire.
- [Hal offers the jug to Azeem]
- Azeem: Regretfully, I must decline. Allah forbids it.
- Little John: Your bloody loss, mate.
- Robin Hood: And you. You travel ten thousand miles to save my life and leave me to be butchered.
- Azeem: I fulfill my vows when I choose to.
- Robin Hood: Which does not include prayer time, meal time, or any time I'm outnumbered six to one.
- Azeem: You whine like a mule. You are still alive.
- [coming to a wide river]
- Azeem: In my dreams alone have I imagined such a place.
- Robin Hood: Then imagine a way to cross it.
- Friar Tuck: Let us open a bottle and do our best to save each other's souls.
- Azeem: Alas, I am not permitted.
- Friar Tuck: Fine then, you talk, I'll drink.
- [Robin has been knocked down once by John Little]
- Robin Hood: Any suggestions?
- Azeem: Get up. Move faster.
- Robin Hood: Move faster. Great idea.
- [Azeem is preparing to help Fanny deliver a breech baby]
- Robin Hood: What are you going to do?
- Azeem: I have seen it many times... with horses.
- Robin Hood: With *horses*?
- Guy of Gisborne: C'mon, damn you! There're only three of them!
- Soldier: It's not the men we fear, sir. It's the evil spirits.
- Guy of Gisborne: Robin of the Hood! Son of a devil worshipper! Your father died a coward, cursing your name and squealling like a stuck pig!
- Azeem: You will bring no justice to your father by dying today.