Quantum Leap (1989–1993)
Scott Bakula: Dr. Sam Beckett, Captain Tom Stratton, Jimmy LaMotta, John Beckett, Lee Harvey Oswald, Andrew Ross, Arnold Watkins, Billie Jean Crockett, Billy Beaumont, Bobo, Buster, Butchie Rickett, Cameron Wilson, Captain John Beckett, Chad Stone, Chance Cole, Charles Lee MacKenzie, Charlie 'Black Magic' Walters, Cheree, Chick Howell, Chuck Danner, Clarence 'Kid' Cody, Clyde, Darlene Monty, Davey Parker, Dennis Boardman, Deputy Sheriff Will Kinman, Detective Jack Stone, Detective Jake Rawlins, Dr. Dale Conway, Dr. Daniel Young, Dr. Gerald Bryant, Dr. Ruth Westheimer, Dr. Timothy Mintz, Dylan Powell, Eddie Brackett, Eddie Elroy, Eddie Vega, Elizabeth 'Liz' Tate, Elvis Presley, Ensign Al 'Bingo' Calavicci, Father Frank Pistano, Frank Bianca, Frankie La Palma, Geno Frascotti, Geoffrey 'Tonic' Mole, George Washakie, Gilbert LaBonte, Gordon O'Reilly, Harry Spontini, Henry Adams, Herbert 'Magic' Williams, Jesse Tyler, Jesus Ortega, Joe Thurlow, Joey DeNardo, Joshua Rey, Karl Granson, Katie McBain, Kenny 'Future Boy' Sharp, Knut 'Wild Thing' Wileton, Kyle Hart, Larry Stanton III, Leon Stiles, Leonard Dancey, Lester Fuller, Lieutenant Tom McBride, Linda Bruckner, Lord Nigel Corrington, Margaret Sanders, Marty Elroy, Max Greenman, Max Stoddard, Melvin Spooner, Nick Allen, Nikos Stathatos, Peter Langley, Phillip Dumont, Rabbi David Basch, Ray Harper, Ray Hutton, Reginald Pearson, Roberto Gutierrez, Rod 'Rod the Bod' McCarty, Ronald Miller, Sam Bederman, Samantha Stormer, Shane 'Funny Bone' Thomas, Sheriff Archie Necaise, Sheriff Clayton Fuller, Terry 'Nikolai Russkie' Sammis, Tim Fox, Tommy York, Tyler Means, Victor Panzini, Willie Walters
[Repeated line]
Sam : Oh, boy...
the Devil (as Al) : What gives you the right to leap about time, putting right what I made wrong.
Sam : I'm just trying to get home.
the Devil (as Al) : Well, you're not going to make it!
Sam : I can't have a life. All I do is live someone else's life. I right their wrongs, I fight their fights - geez, I feel like I'm Don Quixote.
[repeated line - season 1]
Sam : It all started when a time travel experiment I was conducting went... a little ka-ka. In the blink of a cosmic clock I went from quantum physicist to air force test pilot. Which could have been fun... if I knew how to fly. Fortunately, I had help. An observer from the project named Al. Unfortunately, Al's a hologram, so all he can lend is moral support. Anyway, here I am. Bouncing around in time, putting things right which once went wrong. A sort of time traveling Lone Ranger, with Al as my Tonto. And I don't even need a mask. Oh boy.
Sam : Leaping about in time, I've found that there are some things in life that I can't change, and there are some things that I can. To save a life, to change a heart, to make the right choice. I guess that's what life's about}: making the right choice at the right time.
[his life in the 70's]
Sam : Great. I'm on the take, I wear polyester clothes and I live above a bar in an apartment decorated like a gym.
[about Al]
Sam : The fact that you were a practicing pervert at the age of 5 has nothing to do with the rest of the world!
Sam : Where the hell were you?
Al : I was at the Laker game. It went into overtime.
Sam : A ball game? I nearly died because you were at a ball game?
Al : It wasn't just a ball game. It was a play-off game. At the party later, I met this dish named Martha.
Sam : I guess I can thank God you didn't spend the night with this Martha.
Al : Well, I did.
[talking about God]
Sam : In case you haven't noticed, Al, the Committee isn't running this Project anymore... He is.