Del Close credited as playing...
Reverend Meeker
- [last lines]
- Old Woman in Tent: When Reverend?
- Reverend Meeker: [Looks up to reveal his right eye is now a mass of burnt tissue] Maam?
- Old Woman in Tent: The day of reckoning. How far off?
- Reverend Meeker: Soon Maam... Soon
- [Holds up a jar in his badly burnt right hand]
- Reverend Meeker: The Lord will give me a sign.
- [Peers inside and we see a piece of the blob moving around inside]
- Reverend Meeker: [Concluding his speech to his doomsday congregation] Consuming sinner and saint alike... who shall be lifted up to rapture when the judgment trumpet blows? None but the faithful brothers and sisters... None but the faithful.
- Scott Jeske: Uh, lend me five bucks just till tomorrow, okay?
- Paul Taylor: What for?
- Scott Jeske: Hey you know, you're not the only one with a date tonight, pal. Im-I'm gonna score with Vicki tonight. I want to invest in a little protection. Come on.
- Pharmacist: Let's go, boys. It's closing time.
- Paul Taylor: [lends him five dollars] All right. Here.
- Scott Jeske: Thanks.
- Paul Taylor: Make it quick.
- Scott Jeske: Uh, look, pal. Give me a pack of Trojans and a Binaca spray.
- [Puts on sunglasses]
- Reverend Meeker: Scott Jeskey.
- Scott Jeske: [takes of sunglasses] Reverend.
- Reverend Meeker: Good game today!
- Scott Jeske: Uh, thanks. Thanks, Reverend. How are ya?
- Reverend Meeker: Well, my hay fever is acting up a little bit, but I'll live.
- Scott Jeske: Yeah.
- Reverend Meeker: Haven't seen you at the Sunday services lately.
- Scott Jeske: Oh. Yeah, well, I ...
- Pharmacist: [holds up two boxes of Trojans] You want the ribbed or the regular?
- Scott Jeske: Ribbed, I-I guess. They're -They're not for me, you know. They're for my friend.
- Reverend Meeker: Oh?
- Scott Jeske: There's this-this-this sort of naive girl he's planning on--uh... Well, you know. And, uh, I insisted that he take precautions.
- Pharmacist: Why doesn't he pay for them?
- Scott Jeske: I had to drag him down here as it is. The guy is totally irresponsible.
- Paul Taylor: Hey, come on, Scott. What's the holdup? I can't keep this girl waiting.
- Pharmacist: The boy doesn't need condoms. He needs a muzzle.