Beau Billingslea credited as playing...
Moss Woodley
- Moss Woodley: [as snowflakes fall to the ground from the blob's demise] Hey man I told you we'd have snow... gotta have a little faith... I hope I'm covered for this sort of thing.
- [Indicating to the blob's shattered frozen remains]
- Moss Woodley: Hey bring the dump truck... we've gotta have this thing moved by dawn.
- Brian Flagg: So, uh, Moss, how about the ratchet?
- [Moss throws a skeptical look at him]
- Brian Flagg: All right, maybe I'll put in a couple of hours over the weekend. Maybe that'll lighten things up a bit.
- Moss Woodley: There's twelve sockets in that set. Twelve. And they better all be there when I get it back, too.
- Brian Flagg: You got it, buddy. You got it. Thanks a lot, Moss. Hey, I owe you one.
- Moss Woodley: You owe me too damn many.
- Brian Flagg: Moss, what's happenin'?
- Moss Woodley: You look like hell.
- Brian Flagg: Hey, it's a fashion statement, man.
- Moss Woodley: Well, the only statement them clothes got to make is, "I look like hell".