This is what might be described as a late Larraz, being made more than ten years after his much finer works such as Vampyres and Symptoms and the best things about it is probably the title and the fact that he manages to make his Spanish locations to look so American. The film moves well enough and, this being Larraz, always looks good. Style and just the slightest of artistic pretentious mixed in with the wanton brutality, is almost a Larraz trademark. Trouble is here seems to be that the Spaniard is so keen to keep us guessing as to just who is wielding that axe so furiously that he looses track of the fact we need someone to help us remain interested in these seeming random kills. It doesn't help that the cop in charge is so self obsessed and uninterested and although the central young couple do well enough they are not sufficiently charismatic to carry the whole film. So, great moments and visually arresting but ultimately uninvolving and dull.