Michael Winslow credited as playing...
Radar Technician
- Dark Helmet: [after tearing the microphone out of the desk] Now what is it?
- Radar Technician: I'm having trouble with the radar, sir.
- Dark Helmet: What's wrong with it?
- Radar Technician: I've lost the bleeps, I've lost the sweeps, and I've lost the creeps.
- Dark Helmet: The what?
- Colonel Sandurz: The what?
- Dark Helmet: And the what?
- Radar Technician: You know. The bleeps.
- [makes bleep sound effect, making a ripple motion with his fingers]
- Radar Technician: The sweeps.
- [makes sweep sound. Quivers his face while doing it]
- Radar Technician: And the creeps.
- [makes creep sound, making little movements with his fingers]
- Dark Helmet: [to Colonel Sandurz] That's not all he's lost.
- Radar Technician: [Into raspy-sounding intercom] Sir?
- Colonel Sandurz: What is it?
- Radar Technician: Can I talk to you for a minute, please, sir?
- Colonel Sandurz: [Dark Helmet and Colonel Sandurz approach the Radar Technician] Well?
- Radar Technician: [Into the intercomm] I'm having trouble with the radar, sir.
- Colonel Sandurz: [Putting the intercomm microphone back] You don't need that, private; we're right here. Now, what is it?
- Radar Technician: [Raspy-sounding intercomm voice] I'm having trouble with the radar, sir.
- Dark Helmet: [Tears the microphone out of the deck and throws it aside] Now, what is it?
- Dark Helmet: [capturing Vespa's ship] So, Princess Vespa, you thought you could outwit the imperious forces of Planet Spaceball. Well, you were wrong. You are now our prisoner, and you will be held hostage until such time as all of the air is transferred from your planet to ours.
- [opening the door and looking inside]
- Dark Helmet: She's not in there.
- [the Spaceballs in the room all drop their weapons and cover their crotches]
- Radar Technician: [calling on the intercom] Radar repaired, sir. We're picking up the outline of a... Winnebago.
- Dark Helmet: Winnebago? Lone Star. Lone Starr!
- [pounding Vespa's ship in anger, the door falls and bonks him on the head]