Short Circuit (1986)
Barbara Tarbuck: Senator Mills
General Washburne : The only way to secure the peace, Senator, as I'm sure you know, is to be prepared. See, we can parachute these robot guys behind enemy lines. They hide out till the first strike blows over. Then each one is able to just carry a 25-megaton bomb right up the middle of Main Street Moscow - like the mailman bringing bad news. We call it Operation 'Gotcha LAST!'
Senator Mills : That's what you call 'ENSURING PEACE'?
General Washburne : Oh, yeah. Just as you say: 'Ensuring peace'.
Senator Mills : [sees Stephanie kissing Newton] Hey, I hope you brought enough for everybody. Give me one too, Steph!
[Steph kisses Number 5]
Senator Mills : Wooo! Right on the sensor!