Labyrinth (1986) Poster


Shari Weiser: Hoggle



  • Sarah : You're horrible!

    Hoggle : No, I ain't. I'm Hoggle.

  • Jareth : Hello, Hedgewart.

    Sarah : Hogwart.

    Hoggle : Hog-gle!

  • First Statue : Don't go on...

    Second Statue : Go back, while you still can...

    Third Statue : This is not the way...

    Fourth Statue : Take heed, and go no further...

    Fifth Statue : Beware, beware...

    Sixth Statue : Soon it will be too late...

    Hoggle : Ah, don't pay any attention to them, they're just false alarms. You get a lot of them in the Labyrinth, especially when you're on the right track.

    Seventh Statue : Oh, no you're not!

    Hoggle : Oh, shut up.

    Seventh Statue : I'm sorry, I'm just doing my job.

    Hoggle : Well, you don't have to do it to us.

    Eighth Statue : [deep, booming voice]  Beware, for...

    Hoggle : Just forget it.

    Eighth Statue : [normal voice]  Oh, please. I haven't said it in such a long time.

    Hoggle : Oh, all right. But don't expect a big reaction.

    Eighth Statue : No, no, no, of course not.

    Eighth Statue : [clears throat, deep, booming voice]  For the path you will take will lead you to certain destruction!

    [normal voice] 

    Eighth Statue : Thank you very much.

  • Jareth : And Hoggle, if she ever kisses you, I'll turn you into a prince.

    Hoggle : Y-you will?

    Jareth : Prince of the Land of Stench!


  • Hoggle : This is an oubliette, labyrinth's full of 'em.

    Sarah : Really. I didn't know that.

    Hoggle : Oh don't act so smart. You don't even know what an oubliette is.

    Sarah : Do you?

    Hoggle : Yes. It's a place you put people... to forget about 'em!

  • Jareth : Ah, what have we here?

    Hoggle : Oh, uh, nothin'.

    Jareth : [removing his disguise at the last second]  Nothing? Nothing? NOTHING? Nothing, tra la la?

  • Ludo : [in the mirror]  Goodbye, Sarah.

    Didymus : And remember, fair maiden, should you need us...

    Hoggle : Yes, should you need us, for any reason at all...

    Sarah : I need you, Hoggle.

    Hoggle : You do?

    Sarah : [nods]  I don't know why, but every now and again in my life - for no reason at all - I need you. All of you.

    Hoggle : You do? Well... WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO?

    [she spins around and sees them all in her room, including the goblins. She hugs them all, and a huge party begins] 

  • Hoggle : What did you have to go and do a thing like that for?

    Sarah : Do what? You mean rescue you?

    Hoggle : No! You kissed me!

  • Jareth : Higgle...

    Hoggle : Hoggle!

    Jareth : Yes, If I thought that for one second that you would betray me, I would be forced to suspend you, head first, in the Bog of Eternal Stench.

    Hoggle : [falls to his knees]  Oh no! Your Majesty, not the eternal stench!

    Jareth : Oh, yes!

  • Sarah : Ow! It bit me!

    Hoggle : What'd you expect fairies to do?

    Sarah : I thought they did nice things, like... like granting wishes.

    Hoggle : Shows what *you* know, don't it?

  • Hoggle : Them's my rightful property. It's not fair.

    Sarah : No, it isn't. But that's the way it is.

  • Didymus : [finally entering the castle]  Well, come on then!

    Sarah : No! I have to face him alone.

    Didymus : But why?

    Sarah : Because that's the way it's done!

    Didymus : Well, if that is the way it is done, then that is the way you must do it. But, should you need us...

    Hoggle : Yes, should you need us...

    Sarah : I'll call.

  • Hoggle : And you wouldn't be so brave if you'd ever smelled the Bog of Eternal Stench. It's, it's...

    Sarah : Is that all it does, is smell?

    Hoggle : Oh, believe me, that's enough! But the worst thing is, if you so much as set a foot in the Bog of Stench, you'll smell bad for the rest of your life. It'll never wash off.

  • Hoggle : You have to understand my position. I'm a coward. And Jareth scares me.

    Sarah : What kind of a position is that?

    Hoggle : No position! That's my point.

  • Sarah : [seeing a Goblin aiming his cannon at her]  Whoa, Nellie, duck!

    [the Goblin fires] 

    Hoggle : [laughs]  Missed!

  • Hoggle : [they need to get out of the dungeon]  Ah, this is what we need. A ladder. Follow me.

    Sarah : How can I trust you now that you know you were taking me back to the beginning of the labyrinth?

    Hoggle : [starts climbing, grunts]  I wasn't. I told him I was taking you back to the beginning just to throw him off the scent.

    Sarah : [looking up at him as he climbs]  Hoggle, how can I believe anything you say?

    Hoggle : Well,


    Hoggle : let me put it this way. What choice have you got?


    Sarah : You're right.

    [follows him up the ladder] 

  • Hoggle : Ooh. Plastic!

  • Hoggle : Hoggle ain't no one's friend. He looks after himself, like everyone. Hoggle is Hoggle's friend.

  • Hoggle : Oh, no... Not the CLEANERS!

  • Hoggle : Now, don't try to embarrass me. I've got no pride.

  • Jareth : You don't think a young girl could ever like a repulsive little scab like you, do you?

    Hoggle : Well, she said we was...

    Jareth : What? Bosom companions?

  • Jareth : Oh, dear. Poor Hoghead.

    Hoggle : Hoggle.

  • Jareth : Come, come, come, Hogbrain. I'm surprised at you, losing your head over a girl.

    Hoggle : I ain't lost my head.

  • Hoggle : Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get the rat who calls himself Jareth.

See also

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