Anne Schedeen credited as playing...
Kate Tanner
- [on a camping trip]
- Willie: One more word out of you, and you're not eating with us.
- ALF: Right. Let the alien starve.
- Willie: I think the alien could skip a meal. It might be a new experience for you!
- [pause]
- Willie: How would you like your hamburger?
- ALF: Medium rare. Hold the lightning.
- Willie: How would you like to be 50% hair?
- ALF: You know, you're a different person when you're on vacation.
- Willie: I'm just trying to make this vacation fun.
- ALF: How, by drowning us?
- Willie: By trying to keep a positive attitude! You might do that yourself... INSTEAD OF COMPLAINING ALL THE TIME!
- Kate: [annoyed] Guys, please.
- ALF: Well, not everyone enjoys spending their vacation in a rainforest!
- Willie: We're in this rainforest because of you!
- ALF: I vote we go home.
- Willie: You're not voting in this.
- ALF: Call the newspapers! Democracy is dead!
- [Kate tries to help Jake to talk to a girl]
- Kate: If it would be any help at all, you could practice on me.
- Jake Ochmonek: It wouldn't be the same, Mrs. Tanner. Laura's much more... she's beautiful.
- Kate: [coldly] I see.
- [she leaves]
- ALF: [to Jake] You've got a way with women.
- ALF: Hey, what's going on in here?
- Willie: We're having a family meeting.
- ALF: Oh I get it, freeze out the alien. I guess I'm not part of the family.
- Kate: Uh ALF, we thought you were watching The 3 Stooges.
- ALF: I turned it off. Somehow I just can't buy Shemp as a surgeon.
- Brian: Curly was a senator once.
- ALF: True, and Moe was Speaker of the House.
- Willie: Could we put an end to the Stooge talk here for a minute?
- ALF: Sootaintly, whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo, ha ha ha.
- Lynn: [giving ALF a haircut] ALF, hold still. I want to get it even.
- ALF: Well, don't cut it too short. It'll look like I have a big schnoz.
- Kate: I didn't realize you were so concerned with your appearance.
- ALF: You think I wake up looking this good?
- Kate: [doorbell rings] Doorbell.
- ALF: Hide in the kitchen, ALF. Hah! Beat ya to it.
- Lynn: Ahem. Two dollars, ALF. Pay up.
- ALF: Two dollars? I didn't even get my medicure.
- Lynn: Welcher!
- [ALF is trying to be a professional shrink and he's annoying Kate and Willie]
- ALF: Speaking of aggravation, we've got to do something about Brian.
- Kate: What's wrong with Brian?
- ALF: He's been experiencing some negative stroking from Kate lately.
- Kate: [in a sudden burst of anger] All right. That's it.
- Willie: Calm down.
- ALF: Stop ventilating.
- Kate: I am not ventilating. I am talking.
- [to Willie]
- Kate: And I resent the implication that I'm having a negative effect on my son's outlook. Oh I give up. I give up.
- ALF: You're letting out your emotions. Good. Now we can make some real progress.
- Willie: And you are spouting out a lot of psychological clichés you don't even understand.
- ALF: Why so hostile, Willie? I'm okay. You're okay.
- Willie: This must stop.
- ALF: That's right. A good scream. Let it fly.
- Willie: You cannot keep aggravating people like this.
- ALF: Why do you hate your mother?
- ALF: Yo Kate, where do you keep your casserole dishes?
- Kate: Why?
- ALF: The cat won't fit in the toaster. Never mind, I'll make a peanut butter sandwich, where's the blender?
- Kate: Try it without the blender this time, and don't get hair in the peanut butter jar.
- ALF: Rules rules rules.
- ALF: Grease fire grease fire.
- ALF: Never mind the curtains put me out.
- Kate: What are you doing?
- ALF: [with a sunlamp in front of his head] Oh, soaking up rays, Babe. Your sunlamp's not working. I've been sitting here for five hours, Nada.
- Kate: Five hours? ALF, you're lucky you didn't get a sunburn.
- ALF: [Kate touches him] Aaah!
- Kate: Sorry.
- ALF: Aah, oh, it hurts, it hurts.
- Kate: Well, would you like some cold cream?
- ALF: Yeah, but just one scoop, I'm on a diet.
- Kate: It's for your nose.
- ALF: That's where I'm trying to lose the weight.
- Kate: ALF, I'm talking about cold cream. Not ice cream. Cold cream. You understand?
- ALF: You're talking like they're two different things.
- Kate: They *are*! Haven't you been listening?
- ALF: What is this, healing through hollering?